Title: 發現問題在建築設計創造力中的角色
The Role of Problem-finding in Architectural Design Creativity: A Cognitive Study
Authors: 陳家富
chen, Chia-Fu
Keywords: 創造力;發現問題;建築設計;口語分析;creativity;problem-finding;architectural design;protocol analysis
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: 創造力對人類活動而言是重要的,一般創造力已有許多領域開始探討,而 設計思考領域中對創造力的討論仍在初期階段,故至今針對創造力的實證 研究仍然不多,其中很多學者以解決問題角度出發,但有些人認為除了解 決問題之外,發現問題也是重要的。之前有研究者就認知層次談藝術創作 的創造力,結果得到:創作過程中發現問題較多者,創造力較強;發現問 題較少者,創造力較弱。而本研究想探討的是:在建築設計過程中,是否 發現問題與解決問題之比例大者,其創造力較強;而發現問題與解決問題 之比例小者,其創造力較弱。同時本研究也想找出一些相關的重要現象以 及一個關於建築設計中創造力的初步模型,其中以發現問題與解決問題的 關係為基礎。本研究採用口語分析法為研究方法,實驗共分為兩階段,第 一階段為先期實驗,此階段主要工作為選出兩位受測者:一位是創造力強 且設計能力強的設計者;另一位是創造力弱但設計能力強的設計者。挑選 的方法為首先由學校老師選出18位學生,接著請這些學生提供個人作品集 ,最後請五位專家根據這些作品集評分,由研究者整理後可以找出一位創 造力強以及一位創造力弱的設計者。第二階段為口語實驗,實驗時要求受 測者放聲思考,實驗全程錄影,實驗結束後,研究者根據兩位受測者的錄 影錄音資料,分別整理出空白口語資料,之後根據編碼基模,整理出編碼 後口語資料,由此資料進行分析討論。藉由上述實證研究發現,設計中發 現問題與解決問題比例大者,創造力較強;比例小者,創造力較弱,證明 發現問題對創造力有直接影響。又得到發現問題影響創造力的階段是設計 前期,設計後期對創造力沒有影響。接著更深入地找出兩種不同性質的發 現問題,一種是「嘗試性發現問題」,另一種是「突發性發現問題」,同 時得知只有「嘗試性發現問題」會影響創造力。最後根據實驗的結果分析 ,本研究嘗試提出一個設計創造力的初期模型,其中以發現問題與解決問 題的關係為基礎。 Creativity has been a common issue in many research fields. However, thediscussion about creativity in the design thinking field are still in the preliminarystage. There are few empirical studies talked about creativity in aspect of problem- finding. Csikszentmihalyi and Getzels(1976) have studied creativity inthe field of art with cognitive approach. They found that the time spend on the concern for problem-finding before beginning to draw are significantly related to creativity. This research attempt to study the following subject matters: during the process of architecture design, do the rate of problem-finding and problem-solving play an important and influential role to creativity. Moreover, this research tries to find some related phenomena and tries to identify a preliminary model about architectural design creativity and problem-finding. The method for this empirical research is protocol analysis. The work of the first experiment is to choose two subjects from eighteen students. One subject is a good designer with great creative ability; the other one is a good designer with weak creative ability. The work of the second experiment is protocol analysis experiment. The subject is required to think aloud in the design process. Protocol data is collected and encoded. Then the analysis is proceed by the transcript. The result of the empirical research reveals that problem-finding play an important and influential role to creativity. Moreover, the result also reveals that design process can be divided into two stage: problem-finding stage and problem-solving stage. Only the problem-finding stage plays an important role to creativity. Finally, we discover that there are two different kinds of problem-finding in the design process. Only one of them can influence creativity.
Appears in Collections:Thesis