Title: 產品意象語彙與造形呈現對應關係之研究
A Study on the Relationship between Product Image and Product Form of Microelectronic Products
Authors: 馬永川
Ma, Yung-Chuan
Chang Ming-Chuen
Keywords: 產品意象語彙;微電子產品;造形元素,造形處理手法;SD法、因子分析;多向度評量;迴歸分析;product image;microelectronic products;form elements, form treatment;SD, factor analysis;MDS;multiple linear regression
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: 設計過程中如何將創作者的理念忠實地傳達給予使用者,一直是設計界廣 為討論的議題。對同一類型產品而言,設計師與使用者對其之認知是否一 致?而設計師針對欲詮釋的設計物,所採用的造形元素與處理手法,是否 又可忠實地將欲詮釋的意象感覺傳達給予使用者呢?為研究上述之問題, 本研究採用問卷調查、受測者與專家訪談等方式進行探討,並以現今市場 佔有率最高的微電子產品為主要之研究目標。首先,透過問卷調查方式歸 納出,微電子產品使用者期望的前五項意象語彙分別為:科技、效率、輕 巧、高級及精緻等感覺。其次收集特定產品圖片,藉由受訪者進行符合意 象感覺之產品挑選、類似產品分群及語意差異評量(SD法)等調查,並透 過因子分析、多向度評量法(MDS)等統計技巧,進一步瞭解意象語彙與 心理感覺認知的關係。最後藉由專家針對受測者所挑選出的產品圖片進行 造形分析之工作,所得資料再經由迴歸分析程式運算,可得到五項意象與 造形元素間的線性迴歸方程式,我們即藉此方程式來說明意象與造形間相 互對應之關係。本研究結果顯示,現今一般使用者與設計師兩者間對微電 子產品之預期認知大致相同。其次,並初步歸納出構成五項意象感覺的造 形元素內容與其處理手法,可供設計之參考應用。本議題之研究使我們初 步瞭解使用者與設計師之間對於造形意象詮釋之基本認知,其有助於縮小 兩者間對產品的認知差距,使產品設計之結果能更符合一般使用者所需。 How to faithfully communicate the designer's idea to the users through productdesign is always the frequently discussed issue in the field of industrial design.Whether the designers and the users can perceive the image of a specific product in the same way during this communication process? Whether thespecial form treatments been adopted to express the meaning of a product can beexactly received by the users?To explore the above issues, we use microelectronic products as examples in thisstudy to conduct a comprehensive investigation. First, through a questionnairesurvey, we summarized that the most expected 5 images to be perceived in microelectronic products are high- tech, efficiency, lightness, high class, and delicacy. Then the sampled product photos were presented to subjects to make various evaluations. Through analysis of SD, factor analysis, and MDS analysis, the subjects' perception of these images along the evaluated products wererevealed and a perceptual map of these products was derived. The perception of design subjects was compared to that of non-design subjects. Finally, throughmorphological analysis in these products, the critical form elements and approaches of form treatment among these products were extracted. By usingmultiple linear regression, the relation between each image and form featureswere concluded. These findings can be further applied not only to establish thedesired image in designing products, but to shorten the perceptual gap betweendesigners and users.
Appears in Collections:Thesis