Title: 順應性工作執行中之預期與非預期碰撞之機器人反射與姿態控制
Robot Reflex and Posture Control for Expected and Unexpected Impacts during Compliance Task Exection
Authors: 吳惠祥
Wu, Huey Shyang
Young Kuu Young
Keywords: 反射;姿勢;姿態;預期;機器人;posture;reflex;expected;unexpected;robot
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: 在本篇論文中,我們提出了一個碰撞控制策略來處理機器人執行順應性工 作 時所遇到的預期與非預期性的碰撞。在所提出的方法中, 姿勢選擇器被用來 提供適當的姿勢去對付預期性的碰撞,而 反射機構被用來提供事先規劃好的 運動指令去處理非預期性 的碰撞。我們也藉由實驗證明了靜態姿勢在動態控 制系統中 效果不彰。此外,由於力感測資料的傳輸延遲導致機器人執行順應 性工作時產生振盪與不穩定的現象,因此,力的預估器被用來克服這種不 令 人滿意的狀況。為了讓系統模式更真實,我們估測了系統 的參數。模擬的表 現證實了所提方法的有效性。 In this thesis, we propose a robot impact control scheme to tackle expected and unexpected impacts during compliance task execution. In the proposed scheme, a posture selector is used to provide proper postures for tackling expected impacts and the reflex mechanism to provide pre-programmed motion commands for dealing with unexpected impacts. We also prove that postures derived statically may not work well in controlled dynamic systems via experiments. Moreover, because time delay in force data transmission results in oscillating and unstable phenomena in executing constrained-motion, a force predictor is used to overcome this undesired situation. System parameters have been identified to make system formulation more realistic. Simulations are performed to verify the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.
Appears in Collections:Thesis