標題: 用顫動訊號改善系統判別中之訊號取樣誤差
Improvement of System Identification error resulting from A/D converter by Dithering
作者: 鄭財明
Cheng, Tsair-Mirng
Lee Fu-Ching
關鍵字: 系統判別;顫動訊號;Identification;Dither
公開日期: 1997
摘要: 本論文之研究對象為,以電腦之數位方式做連續時間系統之參數估測 問題。準確的連續系統參數估測,為系統監控及控制之基礎,惟訊號取樣之 類比數位轉換器有量化誤差,且此誤差為一有色隨機程序,且有非線性效 果,使得參數估測演算法複雜化,並影響估測準確度。 在本文中,以加 入顫動訊號(Dither)配合適當的加快取樣頻率來達成減少量化誤差之效 果,並以最小平方演算法則進行參數估測,而能有效達成更準確之參數估測 。 In this thesis, we deal with the parameter estimation problem ofcontinuous systems by digital methods. In sampling process, A/ Dconverter causes quantization errors which is a color process andhas nonlinear effect. Here, we propose a method with a higher sampling rate and a ditherto reduce the quantization error caused by A/D converter. The simulationand experimental results conform our algorithm. Our method is valuablein the fields of adaptive control systems, system monitoring, etc.