Title: 中高空飛行體伺服控制系統理論與設計
Theory and Design of Servo Control Systems for Medium-to-High Altitude Flight Vehicles
Authors: 邱怡仁
Chiu, Yee-jen
Lin Ching-An
Keywords: 控制系統;伺服控制系統;伺服控制系統理論;飛行體;中高空飛行體;伺服控制系統設計;Servo Control Systems;Control Systems;Medium-to-High Altitude Flight Vehicles;Altitude Flight Vehicles;Flight Vehicles;Design of Servo Control Systems
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: 本論文探討如何建立中高空飛行體伺服控制系統的模型及完整攔截 模擬程式,首先介紹中高空飛行體(飛彈)的物理構造、推力器系統、目標 動態模式、大氣密度及空氣阻力等外在環境,做為發展模型的依據。本論 文的重點在終端導引律及伺服控制系統兩部分。 第一部分終端導引 律,我們用了比例導引律、純比例導引律及比例導引律加入尋標器等三種 方法,其中的尋標器伺服系統,我們使用的是傳統的平衡環尋標器。對於不 同的導引律,其飛彈姿態控制目標不同,而且我們利用水平面及垂直面兩個 二維平面,發展了三維導引的設計方式。 第二部分伺服控制系統,因 為飛彈推力器有線性及開關式兩種,於是我們針對線性推力器,使用內迴路 與外迴路的控制設計方式,而開關式推力器,則使用最短時間最佳控制的設 計方式。其中改良了最短時間最佳控制的設計方式,使結果更符合實際需 求。 我們在MATLAB/SIMULINK上發展模擬程式,將主程式根據飛彈各 部分系統分成幾個子程式,每個子程式皆有其數學方程式及物理意義,方便 撰寫,之後我們做了許多參數化分析,如初始航向誤差、有效導引比率、質 心位移、推力器時間響應及開關式推力器推力大小等,看其對系統的影響 力,可提供未來發展硬體的參考。 In this thesis, we consider the modeling and programs design of servo control system for high-to-medium altitude flight vehicles. At first, we introduce the missile structure, thruster system, target dynamic, atmosphere density and drag for our model situation. There are two focal points in this thesis. First is navigation guidance law. We use proportional navigation guidance law, pure proportional navigation guidance law and proportional navigation guidance law with seeker. The attitude control are different for different guidance law. We develop three dimension guidance law from two dimension guidance law by perpendicular and level two plane. Second is servo control system. Because the missile thruster has linear and no-off type. We use in-out feedback control design for linear thruster and minimum-time optimal control design for on-off thruster. Our programs are designed by MATLAB/SIMULINK. We decompose our main program to several subprograms and introduce the mathematics and physical meanings in each subprogram. Then we take some parameters analysis. The results will supply the coming hardware implementations.
Appears in Collections:Thesis