Title: 以混合H2/H的方法做衛星姿態控制
Spacecraft attitude control via mixed H2/H method
Authors: 吳元龍
Wu, Yuan Long
Yung-Chun Wu
Keywords: 衛星姿態控制;Spacecraft attitude
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: 本論文所探討的是當外界有雜訊干擾時,衛星姿態控制的問題。當擾動不 是很大時,近似的線性化模型有很好的代表效果。我們希望找到壹個控制 器可同時達到 , , 和混合 的效果。我們所引用的是Limebeer先生的理 論,一些模擬結果來驗證這套設計法則的效果。 This thesis investigates the attitude control design problem of spacecraft systems considering external disturbances based on the linear , , and mixed / approach. It has been shown by Limebeer [33] that these problems are special cases of the so- called two-player Nash differential game problem. The resulting controller is a constant state-feedback law, characterized by the solution to a pair of cross-coupled Riccati equations, which can be solved by using a numerical integration procedure. The design ob
Appears in Collections:Thesis