Title: 軟岩多功能儀器研發與軟砂岩基本性質之探討
Develop,emt of a Multi-Purposes Triaxial Test System for Weak Rocks and Mechanical Properties of a Poorly Cemented Sandstone
Authors: 柳政男
Liao, Jyh-Jong
Keywords: 軟弱砂岩;混凝土
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: 本研究針對台灣中北部一帶軟弱砂岩之基本性質提出探討,並因應本研究之需要研發一軟岩用多功能三軸試驗系統。 在軟弱砂岩之基本性質方面本研究採用一改良處探討土壤以及探討混凝土之滲透性質的方法來求得軟弱砂岩之滲透性質,並探討軟弱砂岩之滲透係數與孔隙率的關聯,以求得軟弱砂岩中影響其滲透性的因素。由試驗結果得出軟弱砂岩之滲透係數整體上(孔隙率變化頗大)與孔隙率有明顯的正面關係,但同一岩層(空隙率變化較小)之試體間其滲透係數與孔隙率並沒有一個非常正比的關聯。本研究得出台灣大坑一帶之軟弱砂岩其滲透係數約在5.76 (cm/s)之間。 在軟弱砂岩之破壞準則的分析上,本研究根據台灣中北部一帶之軟弱砂岩之傳統三軸試驗數據,並參考 Papantonopoulow & Atmatzidis(1993)破壞對軟岩之破壞準則所建議之分析方法,求得此地區軟弱砂岩之破壞準則,結果顯示 Hoek-Brown 準則適用於大部份的軟弱砂岩。 在軟岩用多功能三軸試驗系統的研發方面,則以本研究自行設計製作之三軸室配合添購之油壓施加設備與可同時量測軸向與環向之局部變形的應變量測系統,以及內置型荷重計,再加上自行組裝之氣壓控制面版(可施加氣壓與施作滲透試驗),最後再配合資料擷取系統,經整合後,在圍壓之施加上可達 12MPa;在功能上則可進行排水或不排水三軸試驗、透水性試驗、以及超音波試驗等。
This thesis presents the preliminary testing results of mechanical and physical properties of a poor cemented sandstone. The results include grain size distribution, hydraulic permeability, and triaxial compressive strength of the rock. The triaxial compressive tests are conducted using a conventional rock triaxail testing system (MTS 815). Most of the specimens are collected from the drilling cores of a engineering site in Taichung. The sandstones belong to the Cholan formation (Pliocene). The test results indicate the hydraulic conductivity of the rock is between 5.76 ×10-6 and 3.70 × 10-8 (cm/s), and the Hoek-Brown criterion is suitable for most of the sandstone specimens. Also, a new triaxial testing system is developed for testing weak rocks. The confining pressure can reach 12 MPa. The system includes a cell, internal load cell, three pairs of LVDT for small strain measurements. The system can conduct drain or undrain triaxial tests, permeability tests and ultrasonic velocity tests.
Appears in Collections:Thesis