Title: 長鞭效應之情境分析模式
A Comprehensive Model for Analyzing the Scenarios of Bullwhip Effect
Authors: 徐壽政
Shyu, Show-Jenq
Wu, Muh-Cherng
Hsu, Hsi-Mei
Keywords: 長鞭效應;情境;供應鏈管理;Bullwhip Effect;Scenario;Supply Chain Management
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: 隨著市場環境的日益競爭,過去單打獨鬥的型態如今已難生存,使得企業逐漸重視上、中、下游的的垂直整合,也就是所謂的供應鏈管理(supply chain management)。在供應鏈管理中,如何使生產與銷售的速率達到一致是很重要的課題。然而,卻往往因為下游需求的微小變動便造成上游巨大的生產變異,此長鞭效應(bullwhip effect)現象實是產業极大的致命傷。
Due to serious competition of the business environment, enterprises pay more attention to supply chain management. An important issue of supply chain management is to match the production rate to the actual sales rate from the consumers. However, a small fluctuation of demand in reail stores always causes higher demand fluctuation in its upstream. The phenomenon is known as the “bullwhio effect,” this effect is a great threat to an enterprise.
The bullwhip effect has been studied for several years, but there exits no comprehensive for its analysis. Therefore, this study proposed a comprehensive model for analyzing the scenarios of bullwhip effect. The model divedes the causes of bullwhip effect into three parts: the structure of a supply chain, decision makings of indiviual echelon, and customer demand. Each part could be extended to involve more detail factors. Also, we can construct a proper scenario according to the characteristics of a supply chain, and then analyze the Bullwhip Effict step by step. It makes managers realize how their decision affects a supply chain, and helps them make better decisions to maximize profits and enhancing to enterprise productivity.
Appears in Collections:Thesis