Title: 鍶取代鐵電多晶鈦酸鋇的光學特性
The Optical Property of Sr-substiyute BaTio3, Ferroelectric Polycrystallines
Authors: 李康源
Lee, Com-Yuan
Chao, Y.F.
Hsieh, Wen-Feng
Keywords: 鍶;鐵電多晶酸鈦
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: 利用亮度式橢圓儀之方法量測不同比例的Ba1-xSrxTiO3粉末的線性光學特性(折射率),選擇結晶粉末KDP和Ba0.8-xSr0.2TiO3粉末作為此量測系統的標準測試樣品。並藉由實驗值與標準晶體及薄膜之實際值做比較。在不同的壓力之下,由於多晶相的影響,造成折射率呈拋物線的變化。
By using the method of photometric ellipsometer to measure the linear optical property of different ratio in Ba1-xSrxTiO3 powder. We choose the crystalline powder of KDP and Ba0.8Sr0.2TiO3 are the standard test samples on the measurement system. The results of the measurement are compared with the referfece values, and the different values of index of refraction are obtained under different pressure .The variation of the index of refration is caused by the polycrystal.
Appears in Collections:Thesis