Title: 除都普勒效應調頻與調轉銫原光子光譜及穩頻雷射
Doppler Free FM and Modulation Transfer Sepectroscopies of Cs and Laser Frequency Stabilization
Authors: 李昭芳
Li, Chao-Fang
Tai, Kuochou
Keywords: 都普勒效應;調轉銫原光子
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: 在這篇論文□,我們使用半導體雷射來觀查銫原子光譜。在消除都普勒加寬的光譜上,利用頻率調制以及頻率調轉的技術,得到一系列和相位有關的實驗數據。藉此可觀查到原子和光進行交互坐用的吸收和色散的現象。我們也對這些現象做了理論分析,從Maxewell- Bloch 方程式出發,以三階微擾的方法解得的了一系列和實驗結果非常一致的數據。最後,再利用頻率調制的光譜,將半導體雷射的頻率穩在銫原子精細結構的譜線上。
In this thesis, we report our study of high resolution spectroscopy in atomic cesium vapor using narrow linewidth dilode lasers. Lamb-dip, FM and modulation transfer spectroscopies in a pump-probe geonmetry were employed to obtain Doppler free hyperfine transitions in Cs atom. FM and modulation transfer data are phase sensitive and contain informtion on both the real (absorptive) and imaginary (dispersive) parts of the transition susceptibilities. Theoretical treatment in the framework of . Maxwell-Bloch equations was carried out to compare with the experiment data. Analytical expressions for the Lamb-dip, FM and modulation transfer signals were derived using the third order perturbation approximation. Excellent agreement was found. We also applied the FM and modulation transfer techniques in stabilizing and locking laser frequency to the Cs hyperfine transitions.
Appears in Collections:Thesis