Title: | 我國無線電視台數位化之組織創新傳佈者的社會資訊處理研究—以中視及華視新聞部為例 The Study of the DTV Innovation Adopters' Social Information Processing in Taiwan's Terrestrial Broadcasting Companies - The Case Studyies on the News Departments of CTV & CTS |
Authors: | 高華琦 Kao, Hua-Chi 崔家蓉 Tsui, Chia-Jung 傳播研究所 |
Keywords: | 無線電視台;數位化 |
Issue Date: | 1997 |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探究無線電視台組織成員採納數位電視的創新傳佈過程中,組織創新傳佈者的社會貫訊處理的內涵。研究者先以親身訪談方式,瞭解國內無線電視台採納數位化製播系統設施的現況,確認研究對象的創新採納階段,再根據此一分析,選定當前正在試用數位電視製播設施的中視與華視新聞部採訪組成員為個案研究對象,探討他們採納數位設施的社會貫訊處理過程。
研究者以問卷調查法與深度訪談法,針對中視與華視新聞部採訪組成員的社會處理過程進行研究,結果驗證社會資訊處理過程與電視台數位化創新傳佈的關聯性:採訪組組織溝通網絡中,與個人最親近者,是創新的社會資訊之主要來源,而具備意見領袖與資訊引進者特質的變革策動者與早期採用者,則是組織當中最重要的創新貧訊來源。研究也證實,溝通網絡中的社會資訊,包括「對數位電視的評價」、「引導個人注意數位電視特性的線索」、「引導個人注意數位電視相關需求的線索」、「數位電視相關事件的詮釋」四類;這些資訊會影響創新傳佈者對數位電視的認知評價,也與個人的採納意願與採納型態相關;而個人人口特徵上的差異,與個人的認知評價與採納型態也相關。 The purpose of this research is to explore the dynamics of the digital television(DTV) innovation adopters' social information processing in Taiwan's four terrestrial television broadcasting companies. The present researcher interviewed the managers and visited the TV companies to confirm the current DTV adoption developments in all the TV companies. The findings were then served as a base for the researcher to choose CTV and CTS news departments as the cases of this study. This study adopts the systems approach to analyze the TV companies' adoption of DTV innovation facilities. The result indicates that FTV is now taking the leading position in DTV innovation adoption. TTV, CTV and FTV have all adopted automatic news editing systems for a couple of years. CTV's and CTS' news departments were implementing digital video cameras and digital editing machines, and as a result, they were chosen as the study cases of this research. The present researcher distributed questionnaires to and made in-depth interviews with the reporters of the two TV companies to study their social information processing. The result has proven the interviewees' social information processing of the issue of DTV is related to the DTV innovation diffusion in the two companies. In the communication networks of the news departments, an individual's social information concerning DTV innovation mainly came from the closest colleagues, whom are included in an individual's "ego network". The change agents and early adopters, both having the personalities as opinion leaders and/or information brokers in a communication network, were found to be the sources of the innovation information in the two media organizations. This study also reassures the DTV-related social information formed from the communication networks includes "overt statements about DTV", "cues directing attention to certain features of DTV", "cues directing attention to DTV-related needs", and "interpretation of DTV-related events". The four sorts of information would affect an individual's perceptions and evaluation of DTV, as well as his/her adoption patterns and inclinations, and so do an individual's differences. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/63403 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |