Title: 纏繞式複合材料壓力容器之製程研究
Manufacture of Filament Wound Composite Pressure Vessels
Authors: 蔡坤璁
Chris Tsai
Kam, Tai-Yan
Keywords: 複合材料;壓力容器
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: 本篇論文主要的目的在於探討纏繞式複合材料壓力容器的製程。纖維纏繞法對於軸對稱工件的製作,是一種簡單且有效率的方法,它的重製性高、產量大,因此成了一種常用且重要的複合材料工件成型方式。
對於軸對稱的工作,像是我們要做的壓力容器,主要是利用到 law of Clairaut ,此式限制了纖維的路徑;但因摩擦力的關係,可提高纏繞時的自由度,但同時也增加了在數學計算上的困難度。於是我們發展一套纏繞用的軟體, WIND1.0 ,來滿足計算上的需求。
The purpose of this thesis is to introduce the manufacture of filament wound composite pressure vessels. Filament winding is a simple and effective method for producing bodies of revolution in a wide range of sizes. It allows the placement of fibers with a highly reproducible degree of precision, and has therefore become a widely used technique for the production of high quality composite structures.
For axisymmetric parts, like pressure vessels, the simple equation of Clairaut is mainly used, thereby limiting the design to geodesic. When deviations from geodesics are desired, fobre path calculations require considerably more mathematical effort. We develop a program, WIND1.0, to meet the requirement.
Appears in Collections:Thesis