標題: 高科技工廠電力系統架構最適化研究與實際應用
An Optimal Power System Architecture and Actual Application for High-Tech Factory
作者: 歐人華
Jen-Hua Ou
Der-Cherng Liaw
關鍵字: 可靠度;成本效益比值法;電力匯流排;Reliability;Cost-Benefit Ratio;Power Busbars
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 本論文係針對目前高科技產業最重要電力設備-GIS(Gas Insulated Switchgear)電力開關之各種架構進行可靠度分析,以瞭解目前高科技產業與台電公司GIS電力架構之基本差異;另一方面則以實際案例瞭解既設高科技產業面臨GIS供電系統可靠度需改善時,提供一套『可行的』、『策略性的』及『量化的』可靠度成本評估模式,做為用戶簡易、迅速而且準確的評估工具。由於系統故障率、停電損失成本及設備改善投資成本皆為影響可靠度成本評估之重要因素;本論文提出以往電力公司使用之可靠度評估理論,應用於高科技產業上,再根據計算所得之可靠度指標,輔以適當公式計算用戶因電力設備故障所造成之停電營運損失,最後再配合設備改善投資成本,由成本效益比值法(CBR,Cost-Benefit Ratio)評估改善最低投資報酬率,以提供用戶做為供電可靠度改善策略之重要依據。
The objective of this thesis is to enhance the reliability improvement of GIS (Gas Insulated Switchgear) systems for high-tech factory. This thesis presents a quantitative and systematic method to solve the cost-benefit ratio of GIS’s structure for reliability enhancement. And this method can provide a simple and effective tool for planning reliability improvement in the high-tech factory. Since the system failure rate, expense dut to power loss and investment cost for will facility upgrade impact the reliability cost analysis, the interactions between those parameters are analyzed in this thesis by using the cost benefit ratio method. According to the result of such as analysis, the annual expense dut to power loss is derived for different to pologies structures of electric’s power delivery used in the high-tech factory. The optimal reliability enhancement is then determined by the best strategy choice via the cost benefit ratio method
Appears in Collections:Thesis