標題: DSP-based精密運動控制板之製作與運用
DSP-based Precise Motion Control Board Design and Its Applications
作者: 呂龍騰
Lu, Long-Term
Hsu, Pau-Lo
關鍵字: 精密運動;控制板
公開日期: 1997
摘要: 本論文利用精簡指令集╱數位信號處理(RISC/DSP)二合一的微處理機,配合完整的週邊,記憶體與FPGA架構一個功能完整的運動控制板,將FPGA設計成脈波式的馬達控制晶片,配合即時多工作業系統,構建出功能完善的運動控制板,並利用此控制板,以開迴路,比例迴授及誤差補償三種方式測試馬達的頻率響應,在雙軸馬達控制方面,以五種控制方式,包括疊代計算圓路徑,誤差補償,比例迴授控制及交叉耦合控制,控制馬達走圓,計錄各種控制方式的追蹤誤差與輸廓誤差,在三菱泛用伺用服AC馬達上,實驗結果顯示本控制器在追蹤誤差減少了60%,而輸廓誤差更大的幅度的減少90%。
A DSP microprocessor with the RISC instruction set is designed in this study for precision motion control. By integrating with peripheral functions, memory, and FPGA which generates the pulse output, the DSP-based motion control card with a real-time operating system has been successfully applied to AC servo motors. Experiments on the Mitsubishi AC servo motor with different control algorithms as: (1)the original servo system, (2)the proportional feedback, (3)the error compensation, (4)the CCC (cross-coupled control) have been conducted. Results indicate that the present DSP-based controller with CCC achieves the best control performance and the precision and feasibility of the present developed DSP-based control card have been thus verified.