標題: CORBA與物件資料庫結合之新架構
A new architecture for integration of CORBA and OODB
作者: 許瑞愷
Xu, Rui-Kai
Yuan, Xian-Ming
關鍵字: 物件導向資料庫;物件導向資料庫系統管理標準;分散式物件;分散式系統;分散式環境;整合;架構;資訊;電腦科學;CORBA;Object-oriented database sytem (OODB);Object database management group (ODMG);Distributed object;CORBA;Distributed object systems;Object-oriented database sytem (OODB);Object database management group (ODMG);Object-Oriented;Database;Distributed Env.;Integrated;Architecture;Distributed Env.;INFORAMTION;COMPUTER-SCIENCE
公開日期: 1997
摘要: Object-oriented database system supports object-oriented data model with the functionality of persistency and transaction semantics. In order to broden the use of OODB, the Object Database Management Group defined a standard for object database management system. On the other hand, Object Management Group defined the Common Object Request Broker Architecture which is an emerging standard of distributed object technology providing the interconnection bus between distributed objects. For the sake of matchingthese two object models, taking the advantages of merging both of them and building a more sophisiticated architecture, the integration of CORBA and OODB is currently an urgent and important issue in distributed object systems.Instead of using Object Database Adapter suggested by the ODMG, in this thesis, we provide a natural way of reusing the Object Transaction Service and wrapping techniques to introduce OODB into CORBA automatically. Through our design, the CORBA clients or OODB implementers do not need to know any knowledge of each other. Additionally, error recovery is also provided to guarantee the consistency of object states. The whole tasks for integrating CORBA and OODB is done transparently.