Title: RSVP 網路中服務提供者與訂戶之成本效能分析
Cost and Performance Engineering for Service Subscribers and Providers in RSVP Networks
Authors: 陳枝佑
Chen, Zhi-You
Lin, Ying-Da
Keywords: 成本效能;整合服務;資料模型;資訊;電腦科學;Cost and Performance;Integrated Service;Traffic Models;Cost and performance;Integrated service;Traffic models;INFORAMTION;COMPUTER-SCIENCE
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: One of the developing trend of today's Internet is QoS based Internet. Multi-class services should be provided to meet the requirements of applications.IETF makes efforts towards this goal and some specifications of signalingprotocol and integrated service are made. In addition to the Resource ReSer-Vation Protocol (RSVP) and efficient scheduling algorithms, a study on cost and performance engineering is necessary. In this study, a cost and perfor-mance engineering on homogeneous and heterogeneous traffic-service characterization and a comparison between a well-performed and conservative admission control is made. It is remarked that the burstiness of the traffic characterization is an important factor to the performance, and the billing policy of ISPs should reflect this attribute. For service subscribers, with a low bursty traffic, choosing Guaranteed Quality Service is reasonable. However, be careful to make this decision if the traffic is bursty. For service providers, the most important issue is to identify the characterization of the traffics. It decides how to charge the customers. Another important issue is the impact of the characterization of different traffics, and it is also studied in this study.
Appears in Collections:Thesis