标题: 以经验方法评估潜盾隧道施工引致之地表沉陷
An empirical method to evaluate ground settlements due to shield tunneling
作者: 李文瑄
Wen-hsuan Lee
Yung-Show Fang
关键字: 经验方法;监测;地表最大沉陷量;沈陷槽;empirical method;monitoring;maximum surface settlements;settlement troughs.
公开日期: 1998
摘要: 本研究之第一部份是搜集国内外潜盾隧道施工沉陷监测资料进行分析整理,建议于不同土层内,不同型式、不同直径潜盾机,于不同深度下开挖,所引致隧道中心线上方之地表最大沈陷量(Smax)。第二部份则是根据本研究所提出地表最大沉陷量之范围,以此结果配合Peck(1969)之沉陷槽宽度参数(i),以常态分布曲线更合理的预估单隧道施工造成之地表沉陷槽。关于左右平行双隧道施工引致之地表沉陷,若双隧道间之距离够远,本研究提出之经验方法亦可以用来评估平行双隧道施工引致之地表长期沉陷槽。本研究最后依据台北捷运中和线之地表沉陷监测资料,尝试以经验方法估算其潜盾隧道开挖造成之地表沉陷。分析结果显示监测沉陷值大都落在预测范围内,显示本论文所建议经验方法之可用性。
Base on field monitoring data, this study investigates the range of the maximum surface settlements by statistics of the field data. According to the shield machine used and soils excavated, the cases have been divided into six different types: EPB in cohesive soils, EPB in cohesionless soils, open shield in cohesive soils, open shield in cohesionless soils, slurry shield in cohesive soils and slurry shield in cohesionless soils. Combining settlement-trough width parameter " i " suggested by Peck in 1969, a more reasonable empirical method is proposed to predict the ground surface settlement troughs. In this method, the effects of tunnel depths and tunnel diameters on settlement are included. In the last part, the construction of shield tunnels for Chungho Line of Taipei Rapid Transit Systems (TRTS) is discussed. The empirical method is used and compared with the monitored settlement data. The estimated troughs are in fairly good and agreement with field monitored data for tunnels at different depths.