標題: 添加吸水性材料之水泥乾拌料蒸氣催化效能研究
Study the Effect of Steam Injection on Dry-Mix Cement with Additive Absorption Material
作者: 鍾聖文
Sheng-Wen Chung
Yaw-Nan Peng
關鍵字: 蒸氣催化;水泥乾拌料;夯實壓力;Steam Injection;Dry-Mix Cement;Compaction Pressure
公開日期: 1998
摘要: 本研究之主要目的是採用不同型態及細度之吸水性料添加於水泥乾拌料中,經高溫高壓蒸氣催化,藉由巨觀(抗壓強度試驗)及微觀試驗(掃描式電子顯微鏡、核磁共振、燒失試驗),驗證添加吸水性材料後水泥乾拌料之催化效能。 根據結果顯示,高溫蒸氣催化水泥乾拌料之最佳催化條件為:催化溫度180℃、恆溫12小時,未添加吸水性材料之最佳夯時壓力為25kg/cm2,而上述三種催化條件對於催化效能之影響分別為:催化溫度>恆溫時間>夯實壓力;在材料方面:水泥與砂用量比(重量比)1:1.5時單位水泥所提供之抗壓強度6.7kg/cm2最高,吸水性材料以棉絮狀且添加量為2g較佳,添加吸水性材料後抗壓強度5cm立方試體約提高12.5 %、∮5×10cm試體約提高27 %、∮15×30cm試體約提高19 %;添加吸水性材料對於催化效能確有改善,但對於較大尺寸試體其效果仍嫌不足。
This study investigates the catalysis effect of steam injection on dry-mix cement with additive absorption material of varieties of types and fineness. The result dry-mix cement is steam-injected at high temperature and high pressure before going through macroscopic (compressive strength test) and microscopic (examination by SEM, NMR and ignition loss test) test. The test results reveal the optimal steam injection condition to be: 180°C of catalysis temperature, 12 hours of constant-temperature time and best compaction pressure of 25 kgf/cm2 for dry-mix cement without additive absorption material. By their impact on the catalysis effect, these variables ranked as: catalysis temperature > constant-temperature time > compaction pressure. In terms of the material involved, the unit mixed cement achieves a maximum compressive strength of 6.7 kg/cm2 with 1:1.5 ratio in the cement/sand composition; the absorption material is better in fiber form and of 2g in weight, with 12.5% increase in compressive strength for 5cm mortar cubes, 27% increase for∮5x10cm mortar cylinder specimen and 19% increase for∮15x30cm mortar cylinder specimen, showing that additive absorption material improves on the catalysis effect, at a decreasing rate for specimen with larger scale.
Appears in Collections:Thesis