標題: 以活動理論建構新產品之使用模型---以WebTV產品為例
Using Activity Theory to Construct Use models of New Product---The Example of WebTV
作者: 游君慧
Chun-hui Yu
Dr. Shang H. Hsu
關鍵字: 使用模型;活動理論;WebTV;use model;activity theory;WebTV
公開日期: 1998
摘要: 隨著電子科技的進步,市場上有許多新的資訊產品,但是成功的產品並不多。若是能在設計新產品前,建構產品的使用模型(use model),作為人機介面設計的依據,方可使產品設計得更符合消費者的使用需求,成為一個成功的新產品。 常用來建構使用模型的方法為GOMS模型(Card, Moran,和Newell,1983),但是此分析方法只考慮到使用者個體,無法探討使用者其環境和社會文化因素。近來興起的活動理論,對活動的描述能提供一個完整的架構,它不僅考量活動本身的動機以及它的動作或操作順序,甚至將活動時,週遭的環境及和其他人之間的互動關係、隱含的社會文化因素也都納入探討的重點。因此本研究欲在活動理論的基礎上,利用深度訪談方式來進行研究,希望能發展一套程序來建構出新產品的使用模型。並且選定了WebTV產品作為試驗對象以及電視族且非網路常用族作為受訪對象。 訪談的結果,依活動理論互動分析的架構來分析,並進一步建構出WebTV使用者對此系統的使用模型。在本研究的最後,並歸納出使用者對此系統的所需的服務及功能並探討WebTV的使用情境,分享和獨佔工具的議題。
Due to the great advancement on electronic technology, there are many new information products in consumer market. However, not all of them are successful. If designers can design new product on basis of use models, it makes the product meet the need of users and become successful. Researchers often use the model of GOMS to construct use models, but it does not take into consideration the social and cultural context of use. Now there is an activity theory that analyzes human beings in their natural environment, and takes into account cultural factors and development aspects of human mental life. It integrates multilevel perspectives on human activities within a single conceptual framework. In this paper, a deep interview is developed on basis of activity theory for constructing use models of new product. WebTV as the testing object and sixteen interviewers who are TV and non-internet users are chosen. This study uses interaction analysis framework of activity theory to analyze the interview data, and then to construct use models for the system. At last, there is the summarization of the services and its functions that users need.