標題: 應用活動理論來發展人機介面─以WebTV為例
Applying Activity Theory to Develop Human-Computer Interaction─the Example of WebTV
作者: 許珀文
Po-Wen Hsu
Shang-Hwa Hsu
關鍵字: 活動理論;互動行為模式;人機介面;網路電視;介面設計程序;Activity Theory;Models of Interaction;HCI;WebTV;design process
公開日期: 1998
摘要: 資訊科技的發展,網路資訊產品已進入多人、多工、多場所的使用情境,傳統的人員與系統之間的互動行為模式分析法,如作業分析,以及應用GOMS所發展之使用模型,己無法符合新的使用情境之要求。然而活動理論能對使用者活動的描述提供一個完整的架構,它不僅考量活動本身的動機以及活動包含之動作與操作順序,甚至將活動週遭的環境與團體之間的互動關係、隱含的社會文化因素也都納入探討的重點。
The invention of new information technology has moved its application into the context of multi-users, multi-tasks, and multi-sites. In the design of human-computer interface, traditional task analysis and use models from GOMS method cannot meet the requirements of the application environment. Recently, a lot of researchers propose activity theory to support foundation of human-computer interaction (HCI). It describes motives, actions, and operation sequences for human interacting with computers. Even the relationships within community, peripheral environment, and sociological factors have been implied.
This study applies activity theory to develop HCI of WebTV. First, a deep interview based on activity theory is implemented. Then, from the results of interview, I capture three models of interaction: information retrieval, information sharing, and information processing models. Through these models, I define the functions of information retrieval, share, and process to support human activities. Finally, I construct scenario of using WebTV to show the effects from community of activity theory and scenario can apply to test and evaluate system usability.
This study also proposes a new design process of HCI. With study of Yu(1999), from the method based on activity theory for analysis of HCI to abstract use models and models of interaction, then transfer to information service design and function design. The last stage is evaluation: usability testing by scenario, and continuing to alter design of HCI with iterative design to meet the requirements of multi-users, multi-tasks, and multi-sites environment.
Keywords: activity theory, model of interaction, HCI, WebTV, design process