Title: 易肇事路口改善措施之研究
A Study on Countermeasures of Hazardous Intersection
Authors: 劉正揚
Cheng-Yang Liu
汪 進財
曾 平毅
Jinn-Tsai Wong
Pin-Yi Tseng
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 為了提昇駕駛人行車的安全,降低易肇事地點的危險程度,政府每年均投注大量的人力與經費於易肇事地點的改善,但現行作業對於易肇事路口主要肇因之判定、改善措施之研擬及改善效果之評量,並無一套完整之作業規範、準則或實證結果。有鑑於此,本研究乃以第十四、十五期「台灣地區易肇事路段改善計畫」中之61個路口為研究對象,藉由民眾與用路人之問卷調查分析,輔助改善計畫中對路口主要肇因之判定,並藉由相關文獻與學理,研擬因應各項肇事主因之可行改善措施對應關係並比較實際施行改善狀況。最後,以交通部所建立之事故資料檔為基礎,藉由統計方法分析比較各項改善措施施行前後之事故資料,評量其改善成效。本研究發現,不論由肇事資料分析或民眾認知調查分析所獲得的易肇事路口肇事主因,較常見者依序為「車速過快」、「駕駛人違規行車」及「視線不良」。本研究易肇事路口之主要改善措施共包括設置三色號誌、設相關標線、設反光標記、設相關標誌、設告示牌、改變中央分隔、設減速標線、設測速照相、設路口網狀線、時相變更與設閃光號誌等11項,其中設置三色號誌、設相關標線、時相變更等三項有明顯改善成效,設置閃光號誌及設測速照相並無明顯改善成效。
To promote transport safety and decrease road hazards, the government has invested lots of manpower and expense on accident-prone locations. However there is no comprehensive working manual, the main causes of accidents for analyzing, and evaluating the effectiveness. Therefore, of various measures used for the safety improvement, 61 intersections from the 14TH and 15TH "Project of Accident-Prone Locations Improvement in Taiwan Area" were selected for the research. To identify the main causes of the accidents occurred in the selected locations, not only the associated literatures were reviewed, but also an interview, including residents and road users, was also conducted. By way of comparison, the inconsistency regarding the causes of accidents judged by the general public and engineering departments can then be well known. In addition, feasible improvements, if any, can be further proposed. The results show that Speeding, Violating rules, and Poor sight distance and visibility are the main causes of hazards. To evaluate the effectiveness of the applied countermeasures, which include setting traffic signals, markings, reflective markings, traffic signs, warning signs, cross-section adjustments, intersection yellow mesh, signs, , adjusting signal phases, a before and after analysis using accidents data maintained by Ministry of Transport and Communication was studied. Among the countermeasures, Setting up traffic signals, Adjusting signal phases are most effective. Statistically, these three measures have improvement on traffic safety. On the other hand, there is no significant improvement of installing flashing signal, and stroboscope photos.
Appears in Collections:Thesis