DC 欄位語言
dc.description.abstract本論文主要目的是研究道安講習實施現況與成效評估,並檢討目前所面臨的問題,進而探討可能的解決對策。 目前國內實施的「違規駕駛人道路交通安全講習」,勉強可以視為唯一的駕駛人再教育,然而實施成效如何,並未受到重視,本研究擬利用電腦歷史檔案資料,抽樣追蹤參加道安講習後駕駛人違規狀況,並從參加講習者的層面,探討其實施成效。 資料之取得主要是經由問卷調查方式,利用滿意度量測方法,藉由頻次及百分比分析結果,探討參加講習受訪者對道安講習相關問題及實施成效的滿意程度。 透過抽樣追蹤結果發現參加講習後一年內,違規再犯者僅佔二成左右,重大違規再犯比例更低,因此講習對於抑制駕駛人違規再犯,有相當程度的效果,尤其是對於違規必須講習的條款更顯著,如酒後駕車、拒絕酒精濃度測試及闖越紅燈等重大違規。 由問卷調查結果得知違規講習受訪者之社經特性以18-35歲、男性、商業及服務業、學歷高中(職)以上居多數;大多數受訪者係第一次參加且不知道原因;其違規原因以一時疏忽大意佔大部分;對講習場所環境佈置與教室設施及工作人員服務態度及講師授課講解之滿意度較高,對講習時數則以不滿意居多;多數受訪者認為講習對交通法規認識與瞭解等有助益,對駕駛技術的改進則無助益。 本研究建議改善措施為編製實用、生動活潑且生活化教材;講習通知儘早寄發,使講習時間更具彈性機動;教學方面加強實際案例或實務狀況說明;主動推廣辦理交通安全講習訓練,落實違規行為事前矯正,減少事後矯正訓練,發揮交通安全教育及宣導的功能。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe object of the thesis is three folds. First, to understand the current status of road traffic safety lectures as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of the lecture. Second, to explore the encountering problem of the lectures. Finally, to propose possible improvements for the lectures. Current lecture for traffic rule violators is the only way to reeducate drivers. However, how does it work is neglected. This study intends to evaluate the lecture’s effectiveness through second hand data analysis, and surveying the people who ever attended the lecture. In order to measure people’s satisfaction level toward the lecture, the survey employs questionnaire structured with satisfaction scale questions to gain the primary data, and uses frequency and percentage analysis method to analyze data. From the survey result, it is found that the re-violating rate accounts for around 20 percent of total respondents who attended the lecture one year ago. The rate to re-violate serious traffic rule is even lower. It shows the lecture has effectiveness in preventing drivers to breach traffic rule again, especially effective in driving after drink, or running through the red light because violators are required to attend lecture. The survey result reveals that the majority of the lecture attendees tend to be people aged between 18-35, male, work at business and service fields, high school educated. Most attend the lecture first time, and they do not know why they should attend the lecture. Most breach the rule unconsciously. What the respondents satisfy with are the lecture setting, the facilities, staffs’ courtesy attitude, and the lecturer. What they dissatisfy with is the length of time. Most of them feel that the lecture is helpful in understanding the traffic rule, but cannot improve drive skill. The solid improvement measures suggested in this thesis include creating lively and practical material for the lecture, to send the notice to attendees as soon as possible, and to make lecture hours more flexible. As for lecture content, use more cases study in class. Moreover, promote the traffic lecture more actively and widely to prevent traffic rules violation and fulfill the function of traffic safety education.en_US
dc.titlePerformance Evaluation of The Road Traffic Safety Leturesen_US