Title: 台北市聯營公車路線合理經營年限之研究
The Reasonable Period of Operating Right for Taipei Bus Routes
Authors: 尚錦堂
Jiin-Trang Shang
Tai-Sheng Huang
Keywords: 公車經營年限;Bus Operating Right Period
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 市區公車路線之經營年限,現今法令上並未有明確規定,本研究嘗試由經濟分析的角度,探討公車路線的投資成本及經營成本與營運收益間之關係,試算公車路線需時多久,方能達到損益平衡,作為路線經營年限訂定之基礎。
There is not any law now to restrict the period of operating right for Taipei bus routes. Hence, this research tried to analyze the relationship between fixed costs、variable cost and revenues of city bus routes in order to determine the reasonable period of operating right for Taipei bus routes.
This research consists of five chapters. Chapter 1 is introduction;chapter 2 is state of the art on related research . In chapter 3, this research formulated a relationship function of fixed costs、variable costs and revenues of city bus route . In chapter 4, this research applied the relationship function mentioned above to determine the reasonable period of operating right for Taipei bus routes. Using computer programming, this research calculated the trade-off year under specific circumstances of different fares,amount of passengers and mileage of routes.
In Chapter 5, using the operating data of Taipei bus routes as a case study, this research suggested the reasonable period of operating right for Taipei bus routes .Finally, conclusions and suggestions were shown in chapter 6.
Appears in Collections:Thesis