標題: 台灣研發體系之探討-產學研合作知識擴散現況之研究
An Analysis of Taiwan's R&D Infrastructure-A Case Study of Knowledge Diffusion and R&D Cooperation among Universities, Industries, and R&D Institutes
作者: 黃敏如
Huang, Min-Ju
Joseph Z. Shyu
關鍵字: 研發體系;知識擴散;產學研合作;R&D Infrastructure;Knowledge Diffusion;Cooperation among Universities, Industries, and R&D Institutes
公開日期: 1998
摘要: 隨著經濟的成長,企業的經營環境也逐漸改變,故在以科技為主要競爭優勢的經濟實體中,研發創新活動是企業存活與國家提升競爭力的必備條件。台灣企業98%為中小型企業,資金與人才不足,研發投入過少,然而分析台灣產業技術研發資源的分佈,財團法人與大學扮演著相當重要的地位。 因此,為提高我國的科技水準以及企業技術創新能力,除須加強研發投入外,亦須有效的結合國家整體的創新能量。有鑑於此本研究主要藉由研發體系的探討,瞭解如何強化我國知識交流與技術擴散,將知識力量成功地轉化為經濟實力。 在研究方法上,本研究主要藉由文獻資料,探討先進國家(日、德、美)產學研合作之成效與運作的機制,以做為我國學習之典範。再藉由分析台灣目前推動產學研合作之運作方式,包括了國科會主導的產學合作、大學的創新育成中心、企業在大學設立贊助實驗室以及工研院開放實驗室,除了瞭解這些合作方式之優點,更進一步地探討所遭遇的瓶頸及困難、現行政策及法令制度對產學研合作之限制。 研究結果顯示,我國目前知識擴散的最大瓶頸在於研發系統之擴散功能不足,主要來自合作誘因(如智財權之歸屬)及法令限制(如大學對人事自主權與任用權之限制),故有效的利用法令、制度來改善產官學研之知識與技術交流,以加強我國研發體系的擴散功能為當務之急。 本研究以政府、學界、研究機構及產業界等四個角度提出具體建議,冀能提供產學研合作發展之方針,鼓勵合作,以充分利用大學之教師、學生、研究機構專業研究人員、設備、空間,提供創新科技發展與商品化之良好培育環境、相關資訊及諮詢服務,促進以知識為基礎之產業發展。
Changes in the global economic environment demand national firms to pursue knowledge-based competition, which in turn leads to a situation where knowledge diffusion, cooperation, and alliances are the critical elements required to create nation's innovative capability. This situation is particularly true for developing nations where limited resources are available for private firms to conduct innovative activities. Taking Taiwan as an example, in 1997 only less than 3% of private firms invested in R&D and innovation, while government agencies, noticeably MOEA and NSC, are responsible for most of the R&D funding for the island. Lacking private investment in R&D and innovation causes an imbalance in R&D capabilities between private firms and the government agencies. In addition, insufficient diffusion among different institutions exacerbates the situation. It is the objective of this research to exploit possible roadblocks and obstacles in the nation's legal, economic, political, and social systems that prevent the knowledge diffusion in Taiwan's innovation system. In terms of the research method, we collected and analyzed relevant information from the literature, and then conducted a cross-national comparative analysis to address the advantages and disadvantages from advanced nations and Taiwan. This approach allows us to identify problems within Taiwan's systems. Research findings show that insufficient diffusion within Taiwan's R&D infrastructure is the major problem. Those major roadblocks causing the diffusion problems are insufficient diffusion among different R&D institutes, lacking cooperation incentives (including ownership of intellectual properties), and legal constraints (participation of university in industrial research). Based on these observations, it is recommended that mechanisms and systems be developed to expedite diffusion among these institutions. Specifically, providing incentives to encourage university professors and students to directly participate in industrial research, sharing of common knowledge, commercial intelligence, facilities and laboratory and office space to ease the cooperation, and enacting legal systems to allow the professors and students, and R&D personnel to acquire legitimate status for commercialization of R&D results. We believe that these changes in the Taiwan's system would allow the island to best integrate her innovative capabilities, which would otherwise be left idle. Economic growth based on knowledge-based competition would eventually benefit from the continued improvement in the diffusion of R&D capabilities among various institutes of the nation.