標題: 整合博通藍芽晶片於聯發科手機晶片
Integrating BT of Broadcom with MTK handset platform
作者: 郭永輝
關鍵字: 藍芽管理層;核心調適層;幾何核心曾;連接管理協定;邏輯連接通道適應協定;射頻通訊協定;服務探索協定;檔案傳輸協定;串接埠協定;Bluetooth Manager;KAL;GKI;Link Manager Protocol;L2CAP;RFCOMM;Service Discovery Protocol;File Transfer Protocol;Serial Port Protocol
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 本論文研究的動機是因為我們希望能在聯發科的6217平台上支援更多藍芽Profiles. 這原因乃是因為聯發科6217晶片只支援耳機Profile. 所以,我們希望在現有MTK軟體平台上,整合博通藍芽產品2045晶片,來支援多達四種Profiles (耳機, 檔案傳輸, 序向埠與物件推擠). 為此,我們採用Bottom-Up的方法來將博通的藍芽2045晶片整合至現有手機軟體上. □ 將藍芽協定的中介層(GKI)原有對作業系統的介面程式導向到聯發科的中介層(KAL).這些介面程式包含有精準系統時間(tick)的改變,取得工作辨別碼(Task ID),系統等待(wait),系統延遲(Delay),觸發事件(send event), 啟動計時器 (Start Timer) 及停止計時器等. □ 建立新的軟體模組(BTM)在既有手機協定層,負責對上與人機介面層溝通,對下與藍芽協定層溝通.相對於這新的軟體模組,我們也須於各介面層之間,同時建造新的訊息對(message request and message response)以便串接上下流的溝通. □ 將藍芽協定的除錯訊息,導向到聯發科的PC除錯程式(catcher)中,方便讓我們在進行軟體整合中,來除錯程式.這些蟲(Bug)包含了訊息對的內容出錯,及不正常當機情形. □ 設計出適合客戶需求的藍芽人機介面操作流程(scenario). 我們將我們的實作手機(i-Mobile TV901)與Sony-Ericsson S700,Motorola V3 來做FTP client and server 效能評估.我們發現,我們的手機在FTP client測項上,表現勝過S700與V3.但在FTP server 兩項測項上 (forward and get),S700的表現勝過TV901. 而V3 只在FTP server get 測項上微幅領先 TV901, 其它測項都落後S700與TV901. (Refer to section 5.3 Result).
The motivation of research of this thesis is that we wish to support more Bluetooth profiles in MTK 6217 handset platform. Because MTK 6217 only supports headset, hand-free profiles, we hope to integrate BT 2045 chipset of Broadcom with MTK current software in order to support for four types of profiles (HS/HF, FTP, SPP and OPP). Based on this cause, we adopt the bottom-up way to integrate BT 2045 chipset with current handset software. □ Replacing the interface of GKI over OS with the interface of GKI over KAL. These interfaces include tick-update, get-task-id, wait, delay, send-event, start-timer and stop-timer and so on. □ Creating a new software module (BTM) located in protocol stack of handset. It interfaces up with both MMI and down with protocol stack of BT. Associating with the new software module, we need to create the new message pairs including message request and message response in each one layer. □ Directing the debug message of BT into PC debug application program (catcher) of MTK. It can let us debug the program in the integration period. These bugs include wrong contents of message and abnormal shutdown of system. □ Designing a scenario of MMI of BT to match for the requirement of customer. We take our implemented handset (i-Mobile TV901) to compare the performances with both Sony-Ericsson S700 and Motorola V3 in FTP client and server. We found that the performance of our handset is over those of S700 and V3 in the test item of FTP client. But in the two test items (forward and get) of FTP server, the performance of S700 is over that of TV901. For V3, it is a little greater than that of TV901 in the test item of FTP server get. While, the other test items is less than those of S700 and TV901. (Refer to section 5.3).


  1. 758501.pdf

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