標題: 傳播科技人才能力需求與學程設計原則:修正式德菲研究
The Expected Competencies of Communicators in Media Industry and the Communication Technology Program Design Principles: A Modified Delphi Study
作者: 楊宜真
Jeanette I-Chen Young
Chien Chou
關鍵字: 德菲法;傳播科技;新傳播媒介;傳播人才;能力;學程設計;Delphi method;communication technology;new media;communicator;competency;program design
公開日期: 1998
摘要: 隨著新傳播科技的快速發展與傳媒產業環境的轉變,未來的傳播工作者將需要異於以往的知識、能力與技術,方能因應未來資訊傳媒工作環境的挑戰。本研究之目的,即在確認未來新傳播科技工作者的能力需求,並探究以培育新傳播科技工作者為目標的新傳播科技學程,在設計上應遵循的種種原則。 本研究首先探討現代傳播科技的特性與範圍、新傳播科技發展現況與未來趨勢;之後以修正式德菲法(Modified Delphi Method)進行兩回合專家問卷調查,結果發現多數專家成員傾向同意下列看法: 1. 不論在新傳播科技的內容製作、管理或行銷方面,具備新傳播科技相關知識、技能的大量傳播科技人才,將是未來傳媒產業的重要發展助力。 2. 未來的傳播科技人才必須擁有快速學習、團隊合作、以及瞭解閱聽人需求等能力。此外,傳播科技人才尚需具備內容設計、規畫與製作的能力,並熟悉新傳播科技的操作與使用。 3. 未來的傳播科技人才應瞭解新傳播科技的特性、應用方式與發展趨勢;而在眾多傳播科技中,網際網路、全球資訊網和電腦,是未來傳播科技人才在技術原理、應用方式與實際操作使用上,不可不熟悉的科技項目。 4. 未來的傳播科技人才應修習、或說新傳播科技學程應列入的重要課程,包括「傳播科技概論」、「資訊傳播政策、倫理與法規」、「電訊傳播政策與法規」、「傳播科技與社會」、「多媒體設計概論」、「多媒體技術與應用」、「資訊網路服務與行銷」等。 5. 新傳播科技學程師資應具備教學/表達能力。而傳播背景、新傳播科技實務經驗、內容製作能力、教學經驗等,也是重要的傳播科技師資條件。 6. 新傳播科技學程在教學上應儘量與產業界合作,在設計上則應有彈性,以反映社會與科技的變遷。在內容方面,實務課程與研究訓練都應包含在新傳播科技學程中;實際授課時,則應儘量採用團隊方式、並將新傳播科技運用於教學中,以輔助學生適應傳媒產業的真實工作環境。
With the new communications technologies evolving and the environment of media industry changing, communicators will need new competencies than ever to meet the challenges of future media environment. A modified Delphi survey was conducted in this study to identify what competencies future communicators will need as well as to discover how the communications technology program may develop the competencies. The study first explored the scope, characteristics and trends of new communications technologies, then conducted two rounds of Delphi survey. The results showed that most of the expert panel members agreed: 1. Whether in production, management or marketing department of the new media, communicators with the knowledge and skills of new communications technologies would be the essential element of the media industry. 2. The competencies that future communicators should be prepared included fast learning ability, cooperation and awareness of the needs from the audience. The communicators should also have the skills to design, plan and produce the content and be familiar with the use of the new communications technologies. 3. The characteristics, applications and development trends of the new communications technologies should be fully comprehended by future communicators. However, Internet, World Wide Web and computers would be the key communications technologies that future communicators should be well skilled and versed. 4. The courses, such as “Introduction to Communications Technology”, “Informational Policies, Ethics and Laws”, “Telecommunications Laws and Policies”, “Communications Technologies and Society”, “Multimedia Design and Applications”, and “Information Network Services”, could be tremendous help for future communicators and should be provided in the communications technology program. 5. To be a qualified candidate as a communications technology teacher, he/she must have excellent communication skills. Other requirements, like communication background, media-related working experience, ability of production and teaching experience, are also important for communications technology teachers. 6. The communications technology program should not only cooperate with the media industry, but also be flexible, reflecting changes in society and technology. Besides, both practical courses and research training should be included in the program, and the classes should utilize the team approach method and the new communications technologies to prepare the students for their future work.