Title: 視覺化軟體需求樣板及其套用系統之研究 - 以多媒體畢業紀念冊樣板及其套用系統之設計與實作為例
The Design and Implementation of the Visual Requirement Representation Template and its Customization Web-based System - Using Multimedia Yearbook as an example
Authors: 邱家瑜
Chia-Yu Chiu
Deng-Jyi Chen
Keywords: 樣板;視覺化軟體需求;重用;套用系統;多媒體;Template;Visual Requirement Representation;Reuse;Customization System;Multimedia
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 製作一份視覺化的軟體需求,需要專業的資訊人員來幫助做需求的分析與設計,一般人無法自行製作。我們為了將製作需求的技術門檻降低,讓一般人也能自行製作,所以我們利用專業分工的方式,先由專業資訊人員先針對各個不同需求進行分析與設計,製作出各種可重用的(reusable)視覺化軟體需求,我們稱為視覺化軟體需求樣板,然後一般使用者只要直接套用現成樣板再做修改即可。套用過程不需要資訊人員參與,一般人就可獨立完成,同時因為樣板提供適度的修改彈性,所以讓製作出來的需求能更符合使用者的需要。

When we create a visual requirement representation,we need a professional’s help to analyze and design the requirement。But we want that users can create the visual requirement representation by themselves,so we change the process of authoring the visual requirement epresentation。 The professional designs the reusable visual requirement representation,we call it “Template”,and users use the template to create the visual requirement representation directly without the help from professionals。At the same time,we can use the Template‘s parameters to change its architecture and make it fit the user’s need。

There are two major modes to uses the Template:Configure and Replacement。In these two modes,not only users don’t need to write a program with programming skills,but also decrease the errors made by people and improve the quality of the software。Finally,we use a multimedia yearbook as an example to implement the Template and its customization system。Through this system,we can realize how easily to use the Template creating a visual requirement representation。
Appears in Collections:Thesis