Title: 交換機模擬器之製作
The Implementation of a PBX Simulator
Authors: 楊舜仁
Shun-Ren Yang
Yi-Bing Lin
Keywords: 交換機;私用交換機;電信網路;企業網路;模擬器;服務開發平台;電腦電話整合;呼叫流程控制;Switch;Private Branch Exchange or PBX;Telecommunication Network;Enterprise Network;Simulator;Services Creation Platform;Computer Telephony Integration;Call Control
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 在以往的電信網路, 交換機一向披著一層濃厚的神祕色彩, 原因在於其架構龐大與複雜, 除了系統開發與維修人員外, 一般人幾乎是沒有接近的機會, 更惶論深入地了解其架構了。近幾十年來的科技突飛猛進, 帶動了大量專業人才投入交換機的研究與開發。新一代交換機系統呈現的是體積輕巧, 軟硬體架構層次分明。近年來, 電信事業競爭激烈, 新服務的開發更是迫不及待。為了能快速的開發新服務, 本論文研發了一套 "交換機模擬系統軟體" -- JupiterTM模擬器。本軟體針對新竹科學園區中美萬泰股份有限公司所開發的私用交換機 JupiterTM, 進行硬體部份的模擬, 並藉此模擬系統來驅動 JupiterTM之軟體。
本論文所設計之 "交換機模擬系統軟體" 可應用於 "教育培訓"、"交換機軟體的除錯" 以及 "新服務的開發", 其中又以 "新服務的開發" 為核心目標。本軟體提供了具有彈性的開發平台, 讓開發人員能致力於上層電話呼叫軟體的修改, 以模擬方式快速測試呼叫程序, 大大提升了軟體發展之效率。在加入無線通訊環境後, 使用者更可進一步地模擬多個手機在不同基地台間的移動, 以應個人通訊服務(如GSM, AMPS等)之所需。
Private Branch Exchange or PBX systems serve as key elements in the enterprise networks to provide access to the public switched telephone network or PSTN. Unfortunately, there are not many people having the chance to understand the architecture of the PBX systems because of the complexity.
In order to support fast deployment of new telecommunication services, this thesis design a PBX simulation system called JupiterTM
Simulator. This PBX simulation system is based on the JupiterTM PBX system developed by Wincomm Corporation.
JupiterTM Simulator can serve as "education training material", "debugging tool of the PBX software" and "PBX service creation
platform". JupiterTM Simulator provides a flexible service creation platform, which allows users to create services quickly and efficiently.
After adding wireless communication environment, the users could also simulate the mobility of multiple handsets between different base stations, to meet the need of Personal Communication Services(such as AMPS, GSM, etc.).
Appears in Collections:Thesis