標題: 3DAF框架上的球類碰撞模型
The Ball Collision Model in 3DAF Framework
作者: 曾永豐
Yong-Lii Tseng
Jenn-Hann Liou
關鍵字: 球類碰撞;撞球;桌球;ball collision;billiard;table tennis
公開日期: 1998
摘要: 3DAF(3D Animation Framework)是由交通大學資訊工程研究所動畫實驗室所發展的一套程式框架。我們試著以3DAF來建立一個軟體開發環境,其提供了豐富的高階函式庫來支援各種3D應用程式。因此,程式設計者在開發3D應用程式時可以更有效率。 為了使電腦動畫看起來更加真實,便值得將場景中的物體賦予物理性質。本論文中,我在3DAF上建立了一個球類碰撞模型。此模型裡,我設計了兩種物件:球和面板。只有球可以任意移動。在移動過程中,球可能會因為撞到其它球或者是面板而反彈。球的行進會受到它所滾動的桌面摩擦力而影響。我嘗試著使此模型更加簡潔、容易使用、以及可靠。 我設計了撞球以及桌球遊戲來顯示此模型的實用性和多用途性。利用此模型確實可以節省大量的工作。當其他3DAF的使用者必須將有如我模型中的球和球桌物件加入其應用程式時,我希望此模型可以對他們有所幫助。
3DAF(3D Animation Framework)is a software framework developed at the Animation Laboratory of Institute of Computer Science & Information Engineering , National Chiao Tung University. With 3DAF, we try to set up a software environment, which provides rich high-level libraries which are common to various applications. So that programmers can be more productive in their development of 3D applications. In order for a computer animation to look more "real", it is desirable to make objects in the scene to possess physical properties. In this thesis I have developed a ball collision model for 3DAF. In this model, two types of objects are designed: balls and boards. Only balls are allowed to move. In its movement a ball may hit another ball or a board and bounce back. A ball is affected by the friction of the board it is rolling on. I tried to make the model concise, easy to use, and reliable. To demonstrate the usefulness and versatility of this model, a billiard game and a table tennis game were coded. The model did save a great deal of efforts. It is my wish that this model will also help other users of 3DAF when they need to included in their applications objects like balls and boards in my model.