Title: | 以選擇性回應為基礎的動態擁塞視窗調整法 Sack Based Dynamic Congestion Window Adjustment |
Authors: | 羅佑銘 Lo Yew Min 陳耀宗 資訊科學與工程研究所 |
Keywords: | 選擇性回應;RFC 2018;緩慢啟動;快速重送;快速回復;擁塞避免;New Reno;Tahoe;SACK;RFC 2018;Slow Start;Fast Restransmit;Fast Recovery;Congestion Avoidance;New Reno;Tahoe |
Issue Date: | 1998 |
Abstract: | TCP是目前網際網路上傳送資料的主要協定,而其本身具有一些預防網路壅塞機制,如緩慢啟動,快速重送,壅塞預防,快速回覆等等,但這些機制往往解決了網路壅塞的問題,但也同時造成了網路的使用率下降。 傳統快速回覆的做法是先將擁塞視窗調整為原先的一半,以降低網路上流動的segment數量,進而解除擁塞的狀況。我們稱此種壅塞視窗調整法為傳統壅塞視窗調整法(TCWA)。可是傳統做法上並未仔細考慮為何會發生segment 遺失? 因為當傳送端偵測到segment遺失時,可能是單純的傳輸錯誤造成,而不是因為壅塞而導致的segment碰撞,如果不加以考慮這些狀況,只是一昧的將壅塞視窗降為一半,則會導致網路使用率下降。 在以往由於傳送端無法得知網路目前的狀態,所以其只能以最保守的方式,就是將segment遺失的發生都視為嚴重的擁塞,因而將壅塞視窗降為原先的一半,以求解決擁塞。 由於SACK 的出現,傳送端開始可以得知接收端目前的狀態以及有多少segment被網路丟棄,如果其判斷segment 遺失是由於傳輸錯誤,就不需要將壅塞視窗降為原先的一半,而可以隨著網路壅塞的狀況適當的調整壅塞視窗的大小,如此網路會一直維持在最大的使用率,我們稱此種方法為以選擇性回應為基礎的動態擁塞視窗調整法(SDCWA)。 此方法是主要是利用含有SACK不斷修正目前擁塞視窗的大小,使它可以盡可能的利用到網路所有的頻寬,以增加網路的效能。 TCP is a major protocol in the current Internet. It uses several mechanisms to prevent network congestion. These mechanisms can solve network congestion, however, they may result in throughput degradation. In traditional Fast Recovery scheme, the sender reduces Congestion Window to a half. Therefore it results in the decrease of number of segments in the end-to-end pipe and solves the network congestion. We call it Traditional Congestion Window Adjustment, or TCWA for short. Traditional processing did not examine what has caused the segment dropped. This may be due to the random loss or due to the sender being in congestion avoidance phase. In the past, Since a sender has no idea about network status using traditional control schemes, when it detects segment loss, it attributes the segment loss to serious congestion, and reduces the congestion window to a half. Due to the development of TCP Sack, the sender is able to know the current network status such as the number of lost segments. According to these information, the sender can reduce its window to a proper size, so that high network utilization can be achieved. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/64052 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |