標題: | 學術圖書館聯盟圖書資源分享之研究-以台灣聯合大學系統圖書代借代還為例 Books Resource Sharing of Academic Library Consortium-Case Study of the University System of Taiwan’s Borrow Direct Service |
作者: | 張雲燕 Yun-Yen Chang 柯皓仁 Hao-Ren Ke 資訊學院數位圖書資訊學程 |
關鍵字: | 圖書館聯盟;圖書代借代還服務;館際合作;館際互借;台灣聯合大學系統;資源共享;Library Consortium;Direct Borrow Service;Interibrary Cooperatrion;Interlibrary Loan;University System of Taiwan;Resource Sharing |
公開日期: | 2005 |
摘要: | 在科技的進展、電子資源的發展與利用、內部經費的縮減、人力不足的壓力下,各圖書館再也無法以一己之力收藏所有資源並完全滿足讀者資訊需求,如何透過館際合作的概念,以聯盟經營的策略來強化圖書館,進而達成資源共用、充份滿足讀者資訊需求的目標已成為圖書館界一大目標。 本論文探討台灣聯合大學系統之交通大學、陽明大學、清華大學、中央大學四校圖書館如何透過圖書代借代還服務來進行圖書資源之分享。透過使用記錄與問卷調查研究使用者對圖書代借代還服務的使用情況和滿意度;此外,並藉由與工作人員訪談來瞭解該服務帶給館員的影響。 本研究之結論,可分為代借代還服務記錄、使用現況、使用者滿意度調查以及館員訪談等四部份。服務記錄方面:一、申請量上,交大被申請量占總量45%,為主要的資料提供者;中央向外申請量占總量42%,為四校之資料需求館。二、代借代還服務平均完成率為69.24%,完成率有逐年成長的趨勢,申請者最常遭遇之退件原因為圖書不在架上及外借中。三、四校申請件之平均傳遞時間為2.28日。四、四校向外申請代借量最多之圖書為電機/電腦/核子類圖書,占總申請量之13.61%,顯示四校讀者在電機/電腦/核子類圖書之需求相當高。 在使用現況方面:一、近90%的使用者會利用台聯大代借代還服務來獲取所需圖書。二、80%以上的使用者在申請代借服務後能在三∼七天內獲得取書通知。三、98%的使用者會在申請服務前查詢所屬圖書館是否有館藏。四、99%以上的使用者認為代借代還服務應該持續。 在使用者滿意度方面:一、對目前服務不收費的方式最滿意。二、對於服務的可借冊數只有五冊、圖書借期三十天、圖書保留三個工作天,有15%的使用者不滿意。三、85%的使用者不贊成未來收費,認為此項服務應繼續免費。 在與館員訪談部份:一、希望能增加進度查詢功能並進而與圖書館自動化系統及整合檢索系統緊密結合。二、能將中央自行研發的管理系統納入此項服務以利管理。 本研究的建議為:一、繼續代借代還服務的宣傳與推廣;二、台聯大圖書代借代還系統之改進及功能擴增;三、效法耶魯大學等校圖書館之Borrow Direct服務,提供讀者整合性的窗口;四、相關服務政策之統一及增加四館工作協調次數;五、規劃四校圖書館的館藏發展政策,建立合作館藏的基礎;六、擴大聯盟會員,發揮策略聯盟之最大效益;七、圖書代借代還服務朝向無中介館員的服務模式發展,及未來系統納入Z39.80標準。 Nowadays, an individual library is no longer able to satisfy the needs of her patrons due to the significant progress of techniques, the development and utilization of electronic resources, the reduction of financial budget, and the shortage of human resources. In view of this, realizing resource sharing by means of interlibrary cooperation for fulfilling patron needs has become an essential goal of libraries. This thesis investigates how the four libraries of University System of Taiwan (UST), National Chiao-Tung University (NCTU), National Tsing-Hua University (NTHU), National Central University (NCU), and National Yang-Ming University (YM), share their book collections via the Borrow Direct Service. The usage log of this service is analyzed and a survey of patrons' opinions is conducted, for the purpose of understanding the utilization and degree of satisfaction of this service. In addition, an interview with librarians of the four libraries is conducted to comprehend the influence of this service on their work. The conclusions of this thesis is divided into four aspects: the usage log of UST Borrow Direct Service, the utilization of this service, the investigation on the satisfaction of users, and the interview with the librarians. In the aspect of the usage log, four conclusions are drawn. First, NCTU is the primary information provider, and about forty-five percent of lendings are from NCTU; on the other hand, NCU's users are the primary information requester, about forty-two percent of borrowing requests are from NCU's users. Second, the average fill rate of this service is 69.24%, which increases year by year; the main reason for failure is that books to be borrowed are not on shelf or has been borrowed out. Third, the average delivery time is 2.28 days. Finally, the most frequently requested books are about electrical engineering, computer science, and nuclear science, 13.61% in total. In terms of utilization, four conclusions are drawn. First, around 90% of users consider the UST Borrow Direct Service as the first priority to get books they need. Second, over 80% of users will receive notifications to take their requested books within three to seven days after application. Third, 98% of users will check if their university libraries have the books they need before using this Service. Fourth, 99% of users deems that the UST Borrow Direct Service should be continued. Three conclusions can be inferred from the investigation of the satisfaction of users. First, free of charge of the UST Borrow Direct Service is the most satisfactory. Second, about 15% of users are dissatisfied with the following three borrowing rules: (1) only five books could be borrowed, (2) loan duration is 30 days, and (3) a borrowed book is reserved at the borrowing counter of the requester's library for only three working days. The third conclusion is that 85% of users disagree to charge in the future and deem that this service should be free continuously. Librarians of the four libraries have two expectations. The first is to improve the system of the UST Borrow Direct Service by including the progress tracking functionality and integrating the system with the library automation systems and the integrated search system; the second is to combine the system developed by NCU for easy management. According to the above research conclusions, this thesis offers seven suggestions to the UST libraries: (1) continuously promote and popularize the UST Borrow Direct Service; (2) improve the functionionality of the UST Borrow Direct System; (3) follow the Yale University’s Borrow Direct Service to provide readers’ a seamless integration service; (4) unify the related service policies and enhance coordination of the four libraries; (5) conceive the collection development policies of the four libraries to build the foundation of cooperative collection development; (6) include more libraries into this service to gain the maximum benefits of strategic alliance; (7) move toward a patrion-initiated and non-mediated borrow service mode and incorporate the Z39.80 Standard into the UST Borrow Direct System in the future. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/64101 |
顯示於類別: | 畢業論文 |