標題: 利用幾何與拓樸簡化的材質保留漸進式模型
Material-Preserving Progressive Mesh Using Geometry and Topology Simplification
作者: 楊舒凱
Shu-Kay Yang
Jung-Hong Chuang
關鍵字: 漸進式模型;progressive mesh
公開日期: 1998
摘要: 在虛擬實境即時描繪的需求之下,必須要能夠在視覺效果損失最小的前提之下,盡可能地縮減描繪的資料量。於是有各種加速技術被提出,例如可見性裁切與遮擋測試。然而,如果場景中的物體很複雜,在各種裁切之後剩餘的可見物體資料量仍然可能超過硬體的描繪能力,因此尚需要多精細度模型技術來減少描繪可見物體的多邊形數目。本論文參考邊線折疊法、頂點叢集法,以及頂點剔除法的特色及優點,研究出一套由幾何與拓樸簡化模型並且保留模型表面不同材質分界線的模型簡化法,期望能夠做到保留幾何特徵、適度調整拓樸架構,並且保留模型表面的材質邊界。本論文尚且將簡化過程紀錄並重整,提出一套能夠快速調變精細度,而且節省記憶體用量的漸進式模型架構,適合虛擬實境即時描繪應用,以及網路上的漸進式傳輸。
Under the real-time rendering requirement of Virtual Reality applications, several types of accelerating techniques have been proposed to speed up the rendering process. Techniques of multi-resolution modeling are applied to reduce the geometry complexity in such a way that distant objects take coarsen level of detail while near objects take more detailed geometry. In the thesis, we propose a new mesh simplification algorithm that preserves the geometric and material appearance of a given mesh and modifies the topology to obtain a lower reduction rate. The algorithm also generates efficient progressive meshes for low memory consumption and fast level-of-detail modulation that are useful in virtual reality applications.
Appears in Collections:Thesis