Title: 關聯式資料庫與CORBA之整合
The Integration of Relational Databases and CORBA
Authors: 錢啟華
Chii-Hwa Chyan
Shyan-Ming Yuan
Keywords: 物件導向關聯式資料庫;資料管理;Object-Oriented Relational Database (ORDB);Data Management;Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 物件導向關聯式資料庫 (Object-Oriented Relational Database, ORDB) 是資料管理領域的新趨勢,這種趨勢在網際網路的需求快速成長之時更為明顯。物件導向關聯式資料庫結合了關聯式資料庫 (Relational Database, RDB) 與物件導向資料庫 (Object-Oriented Database, OODB) 之優點,但現今的物件導向關聯式資料庫產品大多是延伸自傳統的關聯式資料庫,各個資料庫廠商定義的不同規格使得其整合規模受到限制。 本篇論文由另一個角度提出一整合架構,以在分散式物件環境標準CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) 上提供一個整體性之物件導向關聯式資料庫,此整體性之物件導向關聯式資料庫提供將異質性關聯式資料庫 (heterogeneous relational databases) 與CORBA環境整合之能力,並提供給終端使用者一致性的物件觀點,我們並提供一個自動程式碼產生模型以通透性地填補關聯式資料模型與物件資料模型之間的差異。此外,交易語意 (transaction semantics) 與多重存取控制 (concurrency control) 亦引進到系統之內,以確保資料操作的正確性。
Object-oriented relational database (ORDB) is a new trend in the data management field, especially when the requirement on Internet grows higher. It combines the advantages of relational databases (RDBs) and object-oriented databases (OODBs). Currently, the on-the-shelf ORDB products are extended from existing traditional relational databases. Scalability for integrating these products is limit due to different database vender-specifications. This thesis proposes an integrating infrastructure from another point of view. We propose a global object-oriented relational database system over the distributed object environment standard CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture). It offers capabilities to integrate heterogeneous relational databases with the CORBA environment seamlessly and provides a common object view to end-users. We provide a spontaneous code generation model to fill the gap between relational data model and object data model transparently. Moreover, transaction semantics and concurrency control functionality are introduced into our system to ensure the correctness of data manipulation.
Appears in Collections:Thesis