標題: 海關知識產權保護之研究--以中國海關知識產權保護條例為中心
The Study on Customs’ Border Measure of Intellectual Property Rights Protection:Focus on Chinese Customs Protecting Legislation of Intellectual Property Rights
作者: 盧佳欣
Lu, Chia-Hsin
Wang, Wen-Chieh
關鍵字: 知識產權;海關保護;Intellectual Property Rights;Border Measure;Customs Protection
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 國際貿易的知識產權保護議題受到「世界貿易組織」的重視,其把知識產權以協定方式提升為國際共同規範便是世界各國為彌補知識產權缺乏保護狀況的具體呈現。本論文是以華製品的國際流動為脈絡,並以中國海關的知識產權保護措施為核心進行研究。除「世界貿易組織」之TRIPs協定外,本論文研究也輔以「世界海關組織」對邊境措施立法影響的歷史背景及該組織所提供相關的法律範本,以及對中國而言重要與次重要貿易對手國之貿易實務與海關執法進行探討,作為研究的背景知識。 本研究為探索性研究(explanatory study),由保護知識產權的邊境措施出發,研究對象為中國海關的知識產權邊境措施,研究方法採用次級資料研究法(secondary data research)。研究內容共五章,分為緒論、知識產權海關保護發展之緣由及現況、國際氛圍與貿易對手態度、中國知識產權海關保護之探析,以及結論。順序上先了解知識產權邊境措施形成的原因、歷史背景,並了解其相關的規定,再回溯中國海關知識產權邊境措施的形成歷史,而後把其法律規定與國際規範作比較,作制度面的觀察,接著再探討其執行面的實際困難,最後對中國海關知識產權邊境措施的制度面與實務面提出建議。 「世界貿易組織」與「世界海關組織」的邊境措施是具有相同的歷史背景,研究發現中國海關除在該環境因素下制定邊境措施外,與美國的知識產權爭端談判實為其知識產權邊境措施形成主因。但研究亦發現知識產權邊境保護制度形成後,中國海關在邊境措施,法律規定上仍有無法與國際規範接軌之處,且知識產權邊境保護的實行也還有待克服的挑戰存在。整體來說,中國海關知識產權邊境保護措施仍有相當的進步空間。
The issue regarding intellectual property protection of international business has aroused much attention of the World Trade Organization(WTO), whose measure of bringing Intellectual Property Rights(IPR) to the level of international common regulations through the form of agreements is a presentation of substantial measures put into effect by countries around the world to improve the current situation of IPR protection. Based on the international flow of products manufactured in China(Made-in-China Goods), this study probes into the customs measures of IPR protection of China. In addition to the Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights(TRIPS)of the WTO, the background knowledge of this study also include the historical background of the World Customs Organization’s(WCO’s)influences on the legislation on border measures and its relevant legal copies called “Model Legislation”, as well as the business practice and customs law enforcement of the major and secondary trading opponents of China. As an explanatory study and based on the border measures of IPR protection, this study focuses on the China’s the border measures of IPR and applies the secondary data study method. This study is divided into the following 5 chapters: Introduction, The causes and current situation o the development of IPR customs protection, International atmosphere and the attitude of trading opponents, Analysis into the IPR customs protection of China, and Conclusion. First, this study tries to understand the reasons, historical background, and relevant regulations of the establishment of IPR border measures. Secondly, it traces back to the history of the establishment of IPR customs protection measures of China, compares China’s legal regulations and international regulations, and observes the systematic aspect of the regulations. Finally, it discusses the practical difficulties of execution and provides suggestions with regard to the systematic and practical aspects of IPR customs measures of China. The customs measures of the WTO and WCO share the same historical backgrounds. These two measures appear to form the backbone of China border protection for the time being. Other reasons for China Customs to implement IPR protection are U.S-China IPR Memorandum of Understanding (MOUs). After this explanatory study on China Customs’ border measures, the researcher has found out that in addition to environmental factors, China’s negotiation with the U.S. regarding IPR disputes was in fact the major causes of its establishment of IPR border measures. However, it has also been discovered that since the establishment of the IPR border protection system, there still have not been perfect connections between China’s border measures in terms of legal regulations with international measures. Owing to the PRC’s special political-economic conditions, China Customs’ IPR border measures cannot achieve the international standard. They cannot effectively limit the import/export of infringements or counterfeit goods. It’s found some structural problems existing in PRC’s(People’s Republic of China)General Administration of Customs(GAC)that IPR infringements couldn’t be eliminated at all. Furthermore, the challenges of the execution of IPR border protection still need to be overcome. In their enactment as well as in enforcement of IPR border measures, China Customs still has a long way to go. Overall, there is room for improvements regarding the IPR border protection measures of China.