標題: | 網路購物商品之配送策略研究 The Study on Shipping Strategy for Teleshopping Commodities |
作者: | 蔣敏玲 Min-Ling Chiang 許巧鶯 Chaug-Ing Hsu 運輸與物流管理學系 |
關鍵字: | 網路購物;實體配送;供需互動;差異化配送策略;teleshopping;physical distribution;demand-supply interaction;discriminating shiping strategy |
公開日期: | 1998 |
摘要: | 本研究考慮網路購物商品之非均質配送空間及緊密之供需互動,研擬網路購物業者之配送策略。因應網路購物之需求空間變異較大問題,本研究採一次轉運配送架構,先由配銷中心配送商品至各轉運站,再由各轉運站配送商品至各消費點;將研究範圍依消費者需求密度變化而劃分為不同分區,以反映網路購物需求在空間分佈上之非均勻特性。假設各轉運站區位已知下,以解析性方法構建各轉運站配送特定分區繞行路線之平均運銷成本,於考慮供需互動與系統總運銷成本最小之目標下,提出演算法則決定各轉運站之配送範圍、規模與週期。 本研究繼續探討特定轉運站在其服務範圍內之差異化配送策略,即對服務範圍內各消費族群之配送週期有所差異,端視其價格彈性、對商品送達時間之要求而定。本研究藉需求函數中不同參數值反映不同之商品送達時間要求及價格彈性等需求特性,以解析性方法構建差異化配送策略之平均運銷成本函數,假設轉運站於固定週期發車,採時間差異策略,各消費族群之配送週期為發車週期不同之整數倍數,此視其需求特性之不同而有不同之配送週期比例,並以所有消費族群配送週期比例之最小公倍數為研究時隔,建立此研究時隔內各發車時點之平均運銷成本函數,接著求算研究時隔內各時點平均運銷成本之加權平均,以為研究時隔內企業總體平均運銷成本函數。接著,以最大化企業利潤為目標式,供需互動之權衡取捨關係為限制式,構建數學規模式以決定差異化配送週期。 最後,以國內地區S公司為實例對象闡述本模式之實證應用,研究結果顯示經由本模式所決定之各轉運站配送範圍大致符合預期且合理;分析結果顯示對企業平均運銷成本及配送週期較敏感之參變數包括每次派車之固定成本、轉運站配送點之停留成本、轉運站配送之單位距離運輸成本、存貨成本比例、單位時間內對特定商品需求量、上網人口比例、消費者取貨時間之需求參數、網路購物與傳統購物之相對價格參數,此些參變數值之變化將影響企業相關之運銷成本及配送策略,此外,當轉運站特別繞行配送某需求率低且偏遠之非都會分區時則須支付較高成本,且若廠商採行差異化配送策略將可增加其企業利潤。 在學術貢獻上,本研究放鬆傳統物流研究對需求空間均質分佈及消費需求為外生固定之假設,可反映網路商品之緊密供需互動特性與非均質需求空間分佈情形。另亦對不同消費族群採差異化之送達服務及運費,放鬆過去文獻大部份假設研究範圍內為均一需求特性之假設。在實務應用方面,本研究可提供相關業者對其各轉運站運銷決策之規劃參考;並可進一步提供制定差異化配送策略之參考。 This paper decides the optimal shipping strategy for telestore suppliers by considering non-uniform spatial distribution of demand and closer demand-supply interaction. One level transshipment, namely, the depot firstly ships goods to terminals, and then each terminal ships them to consumers, is proposed to solve the spatial variation problem of teleshopping consumer distribution. To reflect the characteristics of non-uniform demand density for teleshopping, we partition the study area into a variety of zones, according to the variation of demand density. Under the assumption that each terminal location is known, this paper first formulates logistics cost function by using analytical approach for each terminal that ships goods by specific sequence. Then, we propose an algorithm to determine the shipment area, size, and cycle by considering the demand-supply interaction and the goal for system optimum. This paper further continues to aim at the discriminating shipping strategy for the specific terminal for its service zones. We adopt a discriminating shipping strategy by considering variations in the elasticity of consumer demand with respect to goods-delivery time and price among a variety of consumers spread over a large market area, so as to lead the suppliers to maximize their profits. This paper sets different parameters to reflect different demand characteristics of consumers. Logistics cost functions for discriminating shipping strategy are formulated by analytical approach. A nonlinear mathematical programming model is formulated by maximizing supplier profit subject to the demand-supply interaction to solve the optimal discriminating shipment cycle for each of different market segments. Finally, A case study and sensitivity analysis are provided by S-company in Taiwan to illustrate the application of the models. The results show that sensitive factors affecting logistics costs include fixed transportation cost per dispatch, delay cost per customer stop, transportation cost in unit distance for terminal, inventory carrying rate, demand rate, Internet user ratio of consumers, demand parameters of goods-receving time, and price-ratio, etc. The average logistics cost is shown to be raised in case that the terminal must serve a zone which is with very low demand-rate and far from the terminal. The results also show that the telestore suppliers can increase their profits if they adopt the discriminating shipping strategy. In conclusion, this paper determines the optimal shipment area, and shipment size for the terminals of teleshopping goods shipment by incorporating the considerations of non-uniform demand density, demand-supply interaction and system optimum. The paper further formulates a discriminating strategy by considering variations in the elasticity of consumer demand with respect to goods-delivery time and price to maximize suppliers' profits. These considerations have not yet been theoretically formulated and analyzed in past literature. In practice, the results of the paper also shed light on operational and strategic issues for the shipping strategy of telestores. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/64260 |
顯示於類別: | 畢業論文 |