標題: 徒手操控螢幕游標--第四型
The control of moving cursor by bare hand--the 4th type
作者: 蔡志煒
Jyh-woei Tsay
Mei-shong Kuo
關鍵字: 徒手操控;游標;control by hand
公開日期: 1998
摘要: 當手在空間移動時,因為環境物理特性的改變而產生電場的變化,而這個電場的變化可以提供有關於手的位置的訊息.本論文便是討論如何設計電路來抓取這個電場的變化量,藉著電路處理這些訊息來計算手的位置,控制螢幕上的游標. 為了使系統更穩定, 更容易操作, 雜訊的消除是很重要的課題.
In recent years,electronic products and computer are popular to everyone, the communication between human and machine become importance. so how to translate human intention into electronic signal is an issue of consequence. Although many tools are developed, for example, mouse,keyboard, it is still not very convenient to use. Electric Field Sensing is a existed technique.It has the advantage of safety, fast response, high resolution ,low cost, noncontact control and simple operating. The motion of a hand in a system will makes some diferent consequences in the equivalent electric-field system .by sensing this variation we can detect the position of the hand. In this thesis, We are developing a method to sense the position of a hand by way of sensing the equivalent capacitance between the human hand and a system electrode. The electronics system is used to convert the capacitive variation into computer readable voltage waveform. To have a stable and operatable sysem, noise remove is fundamentally importance.