Title: 接地面具週期孔洞之帶狀傳輸線波導特性實驗研究
Experimental Study on the Strip-Type Transmission Lines with Periodic Holes on Their Ground Plane
Authors: 戴欽泉
Chin-Chuan Tai
彭 松 村
Dr. S. T. Peng
Keywords: 週期孔洞;帶狀傳輸線;波導;Strip-Type Transmission Lines;Periodic Holes;Ground Plane
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 本論文主要是探討一維及二維週期結構的排列方式、數目、大小和形狀等等對於禁帶分布的影響,我們預計利用實驗量測的方法探討50-Ω微帶線在接地面或傳輸線上具有週期變化下之電磁波波導特性,因此我們製作許多具有不同形式之週期結構的微帶線(Microstrip Line)電路,希望藉此找出週期結構在實際電路中的設計法則。所有的週期性結構都用ENSAMBLE模擬過並且與實驗結果做比較。
The two-dimensional (2-D) photonic bandgap (PBG) structure for microstrip lines is proposed, in which a periodic 2-D pattern consisting of holes is etched in the ground plane of microstrip line. Several PBG circuits were fabricated with different hole sizes or shapes to investigate the propagation of electromagnetic waves in a specified band of frequency. All types of these photonic band-gap structures have been simulated using Ensemble. Experiment with a square-lattice PBG line shows excellent agreement between theoretical prediction and measurement.
Appears in Collections:Thesis