DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorHuey-Fen Tsaien_US
dc.contributor.authorDr. Jaw-Ming Chenen_US
dc.description.abstract我國國營電信事業受到先進民主國家(如英、美、日等國)電信事業民營化潮流的衝擊及政府公營事業民營化政策的影響,85年7月脫胎換骨改制為國營中華電信公司。面對自由化、國際化與各項業務逐漸開放競爭壓力,並為貫徹國家政策,中華電信必須在民國90年民營化,於是積極展開各項改革,以大開大闔,開創佈局。 本研究針對電信組織公司化後,中華電信北區分公司員工對公司即將民營化所面對問題,以及民營化組織變革之對策,以問卷方式發出650份問卷,回收有效樣本485份,有效回收率74.62%。經因素分析、信度分析、T檢定、單因子變異數分析、次數分配及薛費式事後多重比較分析等統計分析。探討不同個人屬性(性別、年齡、教育程度、資位、年資)及不同群組屬性(工作職務、工作類別)員工對中華電信民營化態度與期望之反應。 綜合檢定結果,就「認知」「喜惡」「行為」及「期望」等方面進行比較分析,並就研究結果在管理上之意涵加以引申,發現「肯定民營化可提高效率」、「民營化可提昇競爭力」,員工持有相當正面評價。佐級以下對變革較沒安全感「擔心未來的不確定性」,員級以下認同「民營化過程應加強溝通宣導」。「抗拒中華電信民營化」為51歲以上、高中(職)以下、佐級以下、基層主管以下人員抗拒程度較高。「期望員工權益更具保障」「期盼自我實現成長機會」「個人與事業雙贏願景」是中華電信人共同的心願。 員工的心聲與看法,員工的認同與反對,才是民營化成敗的重要關鍵。中華電信員工體認全球性電信經營環境丕變,變革是無法避免的,共同的願望是「個人權益永久保障,中華電信永續經營」。是故;推動民營化變革應研究如何積極宣導、強化溝通、充分授權、專長訓練整合、營造成長學習環境、開誠布公化阻力為助力,建立員工憂患意識與共存共榮,使中華電信成為國際級的電信公司--立足世界,揚名海外。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractImpacted by the privatization trend of Telecom industry in advanced democratic nations (such as Britain, America, Japan and etc.) and local privatization policy, the Directorate General of Telecommunication (DGT) has already been incorporated as Chunghwa Telecom Co.,ltd in July 1996. Facing the pressures for further deregulation and globalization, and warming market competition caused by gradual lifting of previous monopolized business as well, the new company has to transform itself into a fully-privatized organization before 2001 to fulfill the goal of governmental policy. Under the circumstances aforementioned, the Chunghwa Telecom has actively initiated several intra-company reform to create a better future. This research, taking the employees of company's northern branch Northern Taiwan Business Group as a studying sample, was conducted by poll to investigate the challenges they encountered in the process of privatization and organizational reengineering. Among 650 issuing questionnaires, 485 were obtained (i.e. 74.62%). Various statistical tools have been employed including factor analysis, reliability analysis, T test, one-way variety analysis, frequency distribution, and Scheff'e method multi-comparison analysis to explore the combined reactions on privatization by employees' different individual characteristics (gender、age、education level、position、seniority)and the group categories(positions、working contents). The cross analyses were conducted on the aspects of "perception", "preference", "behavior", and "expectation" With its managerial implication on the outcome, this research reveals the employees are generally holding a positive attitude toward higher efficiency and competitive competence brought by privatization While for those whose positions below Business/Technical officer, thorough communication between management and staff is necessary during the process of privatization, sense of insecurity does exist for those whose position below Business/Technical clerk The resistance of privatization, as shown in this research, is mainly from those whose age above 51, education degree below high school, and position below clerk and general staff. The common expectation of the employee is "enhancement of their right", "the opportunity for self-fulfillment", and "the co-prosperity for them and company. No wonder the success of the company's privatization does depend on the employee Meanwhile they all fully realize change is inevitable to cope with a changing environment of global telecom industry, they also expect that their legitimate right could be safeguarded and the company prosper during the whole process of privatization The research therefore concludes Chunghwa Telecom Company must actively communicate the visions of privatization with its employees, exercise proper delegation, fully integrate and utilize their talents, create a better learning environment for them, and maintain its openness in the policy-making process during the transition period before it becomes a global telecom conglomerate.en_US
dc.subjectThe privatization of Telecom Businessen_US
dc.subjectOrganizational reengineeringen_US
dc.titleResearch on General Response to Privatization─According to the Staff In Chunghwa Telecom Northern Business groupen_US