标题: 產品來源國.論點品質及認知需求對溝通效果之影響
Country-of-Origin,Argument Quality and Need for Cognition on the Effectiveness of Communication
作者: 劉茂松
Mao-Sung Liu
Dr. Jen-Hung Huang
关键字: 產品來源國;論點品質;認知需求;country-of -origin;argument quality;need for cognition
公开日期: 1998
摘要:  本研究以個人電腦為實驗產品,探討不同經濟發展程度的產品來源國(工業化國家、新興工業國家、低度開發國家)、論點品質(強、弱)以及受測者認知需求(高、低)等變數對產品品質知覺、產品評估、產品態度和購買意願等溝通效果之影響。產品來源國選擇以美國,台灣,馬來西亞為對象。本研究採用3×2×2的實驗設計,經統計分析,獲得下列結果:
The main objective of this research is to investigate the effectiveness of the "quality perception toward product" ,"valuation toward product" ,"attitude toward product" and "buying intention" under different economic development level of country-of-origin(industrializedcountry/newlyindustrializing country/less-developed country), different type of argument quality (strong/weak)and different level of subjects' need for cognition(high/low). Three countries are selected based on a pretest in producing the target product:America ,Taiwan , and Malaysia.
This study uses 3×2×2 factorial experimental design. The experimental product is "personal computer". The major findings through empirical demonstration are:
1.There is better effectiveness of communication toward product from a industrialized country (America) or a newly industrializing country (Taiwan) than a less-developed country (Malaysia). But the effects of country-of-origin between America and Taiwan are not significant.
2.Strong arguments are better than weak arguments on the effectiveness of communication. Strong arguments toward quality perception and product evaluation are better than those of weak arguments when product originated from America or Malaysia. But no significant difference when product labeling made-in Taiwan.
3.When consumer NFC is high, industrialized country (America) cue will lead to better product evaluation and attitude than less-developed country (Malaysia), but no significant difference when consumer NFC is low..