Title: 《孫子兵法》論述結構及其現代管理意涵之研究
The Narrative Structure of Suntzu's "The Art of War" and Its Managerial Implications
Authors: 蘇韶懿
Shao-Yi Su
Charng-Horng Hsieh
Keywords: 《孫子兵法》;論述結構;創造性轉換法;策略;規劃;資訊;組織經營;Suntzu's "The Art of War";narrative structure;creative transformation approach;strategy;planning;information;organization development
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 《孫子兵法》成書二千五百多年來,一直受到古今中外之政治界、軍事界、學術界、實務界各界人士的一致推崇。究其因,乃因其兼具理念啟發及實踐指導的雙重價值。因此,對鑽研管理思想的現代學者,以及從事管理實務的企業經營者,《孫子兵法》都能提供有價值的啟發,是一本值得研究者進行現代應用研究的經典古籍。然而現今有關《孫子兵法》的應用研究,研究者沒有深入探究孫子的思維脈絡及邏輯,根據孫子對戰爭的基本觀點,及《孫子兵法》篇章意旨間的關係,提出孫子論述主旨及論點的假設與前提,進而定義適於援用《孫子兵法》的範圍。是以《孫子兵法》的應用研究雖量多類豐,但應用研究的成果無法用以證明《孫子兵法》內容應用於非軍事領域的有效性。
The critical difficult of applying knowledge written in paleography to modern management is that the application environment and the structure of application problem have changed. But the researchers have rarely explored the premises and assumptions of argumentation in paleography and defined the application scope of the knowledge from paleography, according to the thinking logic presented in the paleography, then to claim their applications were reasonable and meaningful.
Therefore, this research proposes the concept of "The Narrative Structure of Paleography," that include the basic points of view of the text, the logic of the context and argumentation, the premises and assumptions of argumentation, as the core of application research of paleography. This research also proposes "The Creative Transformation Approach for Seeking the Narrative Structure of paleography" to construct the underlying structure of concepts of paleographic author from the concepts that explicitly presented in paleography.
After the transformation by "The Creative Transformation Approach for Seeking the Narrative Structure of paleography," this research proposes the narrative structure of Suntzu*s "The Art of War," which contains 11 basic points of view on war of Suntzu, the logic of context and argumentation of Suntzu*s "The Art of War," and 7 restrictions when applying Suntzu*s "The Art of War" to non-military field. According to the narrative structure of Suntzu*s "The Art of War," the text was in describing the basic theory of war. It contained 13 chapters which sequentially elaborated five argumentation: the evaluation of the ability to enter the state of war, war planning, battle planning, the military operations and adaptation of change in battle, and the information collection.
This research also discusses some management related concepts of Suntzu, such as chief executive officer, strategy and tactics, planning and implementation, and information. The core of the text was strategy, but the critical factor of fulfilling the effectiveness of strategy was in the coordination of strategy and tactics. In the same logic, planning should coordinate with implementation, planning should base on the condition of resources and the environmental constrains in implementation. As to the duties of chief executive officer, Suntzu emphasized that the main duty of CEO is to lead organization to interact with the environment and the competitors. Concerning the collection and use of information, the purpose of information collection is to predict the change and development of events and environment to avoid impending trouble and seek good luck, and the person is the main channel to get particular and critical information.
Appears in Collections:Thesis