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dc.description.abstract我國預定最遲於1999年底加入WTO ,隨著我國加入WTO腳步的逼近,為了因應此一趨勢,行政院公共工程委員會編訂了「政府採購法」,並已於87年5月27日由總統明令公佈於一年後正式實施。我國決定加入WTO並遵守此等協定,對全體政府機關、公立學校及公營事業每年總額逾兆元新台幣之工程、財物及勞務之採購作業,將會產生鉅大、深遠之影響。台電身為國營事業之一員自然無法置身事外,雖然預定於民國90年完成民營化,但是在此之前,如果政府在此時一旦宣布加入WTO,仍為國營事業之一員,器材有近九百項之多的台電,如不早深入探討早為規劃因應,屆時將會措手不及。 本研究之目的在於探討我國加入WTO後,台電公司如何就技術面、法規制度面及市場面三方面來考量其因應之道,除了配合政府政策外,並可藉此檢討公司現行採購的技術規範、商務條款是否得當,在提昇公司的器材品質及供電品質之餘,我國現行的工業政策下亦能兼顧扶植國內的電力器材廠商之政策性任務,根據資料分析加入WTO對電機產業的影響,進而評估對台電公司器材採購之影響,並做成結論與建議,因此將做以下的探討: 1.深入了解WTO之GATT、GATS、AGP三種協定對於機關辦理採購所造成之影響,美、日等WTO會員國家之運作狀況,及政府採購法下之相關採購規定。 2.探討政府為加入WTO,制定的政府採購法,對台電及現有的器材供應廠商之影響。 3.台電現有材料規範之內容,就技術面(其適用的技術標準,例如CNS、ANSI等)、法規制度面、市場面(器材廠商)三方面加以檢討、分析。 4.考量WTO會員國、我國政府、以及台電公司、廠商間之立場,尋求最適方案,以作為公司決策之參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractA Study on the Impacts and Measures of Taipower Material Procurement under the Government Procurement Law As we know, Taiwan is expected to join WTO latest in the end of 1999. Owing to join WTO , the Public Construction Committee of Executive Yuan has complied and revised " The Government Procurement Law " and it was also promulgated by President on May 27,1998 and will be implemented after one year. Taiwan decided to join WTO and obey its agreement that will make the important and significance influence on government organizations , public schools and public utilities purchasing process of constructions , materials and labor affairs .The total purchase amount of that incredibly reaches over NT$ 10,000 billion per year . Since being one of public utility , Taipower cannot neglect that affection .Although Taipower will be privately owned in 2001, before that , if the government announce to join WTO , as a public utility purchasing 900 items materials as Taipower will be also regulated by government , Taipower, therefore ,should research some strategies and measures in advance for fear of being taken unprepared . This project objective is studying Taipower's measures and strategies by three aspects of technique , regulations and marketing. after Taiwan join to WTO . Moreover, how to correspond to government's policy and estimate technique standard , business articles .Besides , in order to enhance material quality and power supply quality , how can we look after both sides of our industrial policy and the political responsibility of electricity material suppliers .According to the collected information to analyze the influence of electricity material suppliers after joining WTO, then evaluate deeply the affection of Taipower material procurement and make the conclusion and suggestion . I , hereby , did the research as following : 1.Recognizing deeply the WTO agreement among GATT, GATS and AGP , that will make the influence on government organization purchasing procedure ; the WTO members such as America and Japan whose operative condition ; the purchasing laws and regulations with regard to "The Government Procurement Law". 2.Studying the influence on Taipower and those electricity material under "The Government Procurement Law " made for joining WTO. 3.To evaluate and analyze Taipower effective material standard by three aspects of technique (that apply to technique standard ) , regulations, and marketing. 4.Considering the situation among WTO members , Taiwan Government, Taipower and electricity material suppliers , try to find the proper strategy that could be the reference of making Companies policy .en_US
dc.subjectGovernment Procurement lawen_US
dc.titleA Study on the Impacts and Measures of Taipower Material Procurement under the Government Procurement Lawen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis