Title: 從行動通訊產業發展的觀點檢討我國頻譜規劃/標準制訂的方向
An investigation of the policy objective of mobile communications spectrum planning/technical standards setting in Taiwan from the perspective of the development of mobile industry
Authors: 葉濟賢
Jih-Shan Yeh
Dr. Charng-Horng Hsieh
Keywords: 行動通訊產業;頻譜規劃;標準制訂;第三代行動通訊系統;Mobile Communication Industries;Spectrum Planning;Standards Setting;The third generation mobile communication;IMT-2000;GSM;AMPS
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 本研究探討我國行動通訊產業之發展,如何能藉由頻譜規劃/標準制訂之政策引導與協助,而達到如「國家電信科技計畫」中針對我國無線通訊製造產業之執行目標,讓通訊產業成為我國未來接續資訊、半導體產業之後帶領台灣繼續成長的下一代明星產業。要達到這個目標必須使目前已發展良好的行動通訊服務業及尚待發展之製造業能同步發展,使之成為均衡且完整之產業系統。故本研究以建立我國成為一個完整行動通訊產業發展為目標著眼,從頻譜規劃/標準制訂構面探討建構我國行動通訊產業發展之可行架構。
本研究首先分析先進國家(即具標準制訂能力的歐洲、北美、日本及新近崛起的韓國)行動通訊產業發展之模式做為產業發展之「範型」(Ideal Type),歸納出分析行動通訊產業的四個基本構成因素(頻譜規劃、標準制訂、製造技術、服務提供),並以先進國家利用此四個基本構成因素操作發展之完整產業模式為基礎(包括類比式AMPS系統、數位式的GSM系統及第三代行動通訊IMT-2000系統之標準發展過程),與我國行動通訊產業發展現況作比較,發現我國目前發展行動通訊產業有三個問題,問題一:標準制訂與製造技術無相關;問題二:頻譜規劃與製造技術無相關;問題三:行動通訊服務產業發展與製造產業之發展無關連。
This thesis investigates the development of Taiwan's mobile communication industry and how the goal of the 'National Telecommunication Program' for its local mobile communication industry□on succeed the booming of the information and semiconductor industries as the new star industry can be achieved. To reach this goal, Taiwan's mobile communication service sector and manufacturing sector must develop simultaneously toward becoming a balanced and complete industrial system. For establishing a sound mobile communications industrial development, this thesis studies feasible formations of Taiwan's mobile communication industrial development from the direction of its mobile communication spectrum planning and technical standards setting.
The methodology of this research first analyzes the development styles of advanced countries' mobile communication industries while using them as the "ideal type" of industrial development. It comes out to four fundamental elements of analyzing mobile communication industries (spectrum planning, technical standards setting, manufacturing technology, and service offering). When using these four elements to compare the current development of Taiwan's mobile communication industry with that of advanced countries, three problem gaps are discovered: Gap I - no conjunction between technical standards setting and manufacturing technology, Gap II - no conjunction between spectrum planning and manufacturing technology, and Gap III - no conjunction between service industry and manufacturing technology.
The main cause of fractured development of Taiwan's mobile communication industry is due to the three gaps from insufficient conjunction between service offering and the other three elements. This research, according to the three problem gaps and combining this industry's spectrum planning and standards setting, develops the short-term and long-term strategy to fill the gaps and promote the full development of Taiwan□ mobile communication industry.
Appears in Collections:Thesis