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dc.contributor.authorJui-Wan Changen_US
dc.contributor.authorDr. Charng-Horng Hsiehen_US
dc.description.abstract汽機車考驗主要業務是駕駛人執照考驗及登記;執照考驗業務辦理筆試、路試;執照登記業務辦理新領、異動變更、執照繳回;由於外在環境進步之衝擊,業務雖然已經電腦化,改進之步伐不能片刻停止也要持續進行,所以行政機關除了維持基本運作體制不變外,也要講究「效率」以符合企業再造之精簡,和「便民」之需要;本文以「效率/便民」觀點探討之目的,是基於效率不恆等於便民之實務經驗中,要考量供需雙方之均衡,創造政府與人民雙贏的結果。 本文研究步驟分三階段:第一階段探討「效率/便民」的概念,接著推導公路監理業務所需的「效率/便民」概念;第二階段建構一個以「效率/便民」觀點為導向之汽機車考驗業務檢討架構,然後,再做汽機車考驗業務檢討與綜合分析;第三階段提出汽機車考驗業務改進方案之建議,最後獲得本文研究結果與建議。 研究顯示有關考驗業務的四點改進建議:駕照影像系統、駕照IC卡系統、簡化駕駛執照的分類、駕訓班管理的改善;其在「效率/便民」的意義為(1)駕照採影像與文字合一,提高駕照品質,防止偽造;(2)合併汽、機車駕照採IC卡方式,與前項合併為簡化駕照輸出樣式,便於攜帶,降低管理數量,可供金融交易,如各項規費之繳納扣款,及相關交通單位使用,如高速公路收費;(3)簡化駕照分類,對無號牌之車輛一併管理以維護公平,取消普通與職業之分,落實違規記點之運用,以控管駕照升等之資格,對於運輸業之駕駛人採報備管制以加強整體管理,簡化行政作業;(4)實施二階段路考,誘導駕訓班品質的認證,矯正考試領導教學心態,增加小型車實際道路駕駛,以提昇駕駛道德,維護道路交通秩序和保障用路人生命安全;總結而言將汽機車考驗業務管理簡單化,強化公路運輸事業的管理,增進公共福利,以提昇為民服務整體績效。 以「效率/便民」均衡概念做為改進之觀點,乃系統整體創新思維,同時,可提供其他公路監理業務改進之參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe Main task for the Motor Vehicle driver license exam includes the responsibility for drivers' license test and registration. These exams contain two portions: a written test and a driving skill test. License registration issues drivers' license and update license information database. Though most proceedings already computerized, we still can not stop improving its service quality. Hence, "efficiency/greater convenience to people", the perspective explore the best solution for Motor Vehicle matters. This paper can be divided into three stage: First, explore concept of "efficiency/greater convenience to the people". Second, build model to explain and analyze the related problem for Motor Vehicle affairs. Third, propose the suggestion for driver license examination. By way of above research procedure, we can obtain the best outcome and suggestion. This study points out four suggestions for improving the test on driver license proceedings: First, systems on license photograph visual image. Second, system on Licenses' IC card. Third, simplification on license classification. Fourth, managing improvement on drivers school business. These Mentions reveal the meaning of efficiency and greater convenience to the people which are as following (1) Combined the word and photograph visual image for the promotion of license quality and the prevention of counterfeit. (2) Utilizing IC card for the integration of the Motor Vehicle license affairs. (3) Simplified classification on driving license can raise administrative efficiency. (4) Implemented two-stage test on driving skill test for advancing the quality of driving school and drivers' morality. The innovative conception for system is using the concept of efficiency and greater convenience to the people for bettering this defect. Meanwhile, it also can become the reference for the other Motor Vehicle Service.en_US
dc.subjectthe Motor Vehicle driver license examen_US
dc.subjectgreater convenience to the peopleen_US
dc.titleA study of Motor Vehicle driving licence improvement : efficiency/greater convenience to the people perspectiveen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis