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dc.contributor.authorMei-Tzu Chiangen_US
dc.contributor.authorDr. Tzong-Yau Chuen_US
dc.description.abstract我國高科技產業的優勢和基礎主要在於製造和研展的能力,而國際行銷則屬較弱的一環。而其中的通路決策,即為廠商進行國際化最艱巨的障礙。因此,本篇論文主要針對高科技產業的廠商,探究有那些因素特別影響到外銷通路的建構。以及其擴展外銷通路時,所可能遭遇的障礙和所需的資訊或協助為何。 本研究將外銷通路型態分為分支機構式通路、銷售代表式通路、中介交易式通路以及市場交易式通路等四種型態。採問卷方式收集78家新竹科學園區的廠商進行實證研究,運用無母數統計方法進行分析。研究結果發現,影響高科技廠商外銷通路的最主要因素為:市場競爭激烈的程度、客戶訂購數量的大小、公司的財務能力、產品技術的快速變化、產品的售後服務、公司具有品牌優勢以及對通路商行銷決策的控制能力。而以上七個因素在四種不同的通路型態下又有強弱程度的不同影響,本研究均進一步做深入之探討。 本研究亦發現,高科技產業的廠商,擴展外銷通路最主要之障礙依次為:海外市場的激烈競爭、匯率變動的風險和缺乏海外市場的相關資訊等。且其障礙在不同產業類別(積體電路、電腦與周邊、通訊、光電..等)及市場(美、日、香港+大陸….等)又有不同之差異性。至於廠商所須的資訊或協助依次為:出口行銷諮詢服務、貿易資訊的電腦化及分析、出口相關主題的訓練課程或研討會等。且其所需的資訊或協助也因不同產業類別而有所差異。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe strength and fundamental of Taiwan's high-tech industry is production and research and development. International marketing is the weakest part. For most manufacturers, channel decision is the hardest part in becoming internationalized. Therefore, in our study, we try to find any factor that will effect establish of export channel. And find any kind of information and support we will need when we try to expand our export channel or any barrier we will meet. In this thesis, we divided the channel pattern of export for subsidiary mode and domestic mode channel, Intermediate exchange channel and Market exchange channel. Questionnaire was used in this research and had collected 78 manufacturers in Hsinchu Science-Based Industrial Park. Statistical analysis was used and we find the factors that will effect high-tech manufacturers' export channel are the competing degree of the market , the order quantity of the customer, the finance ability of corporation, the change speed of production technology, the service of product, the advantage of the corporation's brand name and control channel's ability. The seven factors have different degree of effect in different channel pattern. The high-tech industry manufacturers' barrier in expanding export channel from the most is the competing degree of foreign market, exchange rate risk and without foreign market's information. And the barriers are different in different type of industry type (Integrated circuit, computer peripheral, communication, photoelectronic and so on) and market (America, Japan, China + Hong Kong). About the information and support which manufacturers need, from the most important is export marketing consulting service, business information computerize and analysis, export related subject training course or seminar. Different industry also need different information or support.en_US
dc.subjectHigh-Tech industryen_US
dc.subjectInfluential factors of channelsen_US
dc.subjectExport channelen_US
dc.titleA Study on the Influential Factors of International Marketing Channels of the High-Tech industry in Taiwanen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis