标题: 聚苯乙烯/黏土 奈米复合材料
PS/Clay Nanocomposites
作者: 林兰慧
Lan-Huey Lin
Feng-Chih Chang
关键字: 黏土;奈米复合材料;clay;nanocomposites
公开日期: 1998
摘要: 本研究主要以Cetylpyridinium chloride (cpc)作为界面活性剂,分别采插层聚合法、溶液插层法及熔融插层法来制备PS/clay奈米复合材料,比较三种不同的制备方法下,clay在PS基材中的分散情况,并作热性质的测试。由研究结果发现使用插层聚合法来制备PS/clay奈米复合材料时,可使clay的层间距离较采溶液插层法及熔融插层法时为大,且随着系统中clay含量的减少而渐增。而从TEM相片中,可证明PS确实插层进入clay层间,且clay的分散尺寸在100nm以下,甚至有些是以单片片层存在于PS基材中。在热性质的测试方面,可发现采用熔融插层法时,不管在PS中是添加纯clay或有机性clay(clay/cpc),其皆可提高材料的裂解温度,尤其以有机性clay较为显着。另外,更以熔融插层法制得之试片进行机械性质测试,探讨clay含量对材料的机械性质之影响。在机械性质测试方面,可看到clay的添加仅会使材料的抗折模数增加。
In this research, the surfactant of cetylpyridinium chloride (cpc) is used in methods of intercalative polymerization, solution intercalation and melt intercalation, respectively, to prepare PS/clay nanocomposites. It is compared that the degree of clay dispersion in PS matrix and thermal properties of the PS/clay nanocomposites that prepared by different three methods. It is found that the d-space of clay is larger in the specimen prepared by intercalative polymerization than by solution and melt intercalation, furthermore, the d-space of clay increases with decreasing clay content. The PS intercalates actually into the layers of clay from the TEM morphology, and the clay domain is always less than 100 nm, even exists in the monolayer type within PS matrix. The thermal degradation temperature of PS increases with adding clay, whether pure clay or organoclay, however the later is better. The specimen prepared by melt intercalation is used to investigate the effect of the clay content on the mechanical properties. The addition of clay increases the flexural modulus of PS only from the mechanical property result.