Title: 服務品質改善之研究 -- 以台灣電腦製造廠商為例
The Improvement of Service Quality -- A Case Study of Taiwan Notebook Manufacturer
Authors: 吳盛臺
Shen - Tai Wu
Dr. Cherng - Chwan Hwang
Keywords: 服務品質;顧客滿意;Service Quality;Customer Satisfaction;B to B business
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 由於 IT產業的長足進步同時造就了ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) 系統更趨近於完美, 也讓立即物料供應與生產系統得以實現. 而這些成就更促使客服系統達到客戶最大的方便性. 在科技產品不斷日用品化導致生產毛利不斷下降的情況下, 這項成就更彰顯客戶服務的重要性.

在面對客戶服務系統不斷提升其重要性的此刻, 本研究的最大目的就在於介紹一種服務品質的提升方式, 並以個案研討的方式探討B to B的商業模式中如何找出提升服務品質之重要因素, 並確立提升之工作方向.

在本研究的過程中, 服務品質的改善是透過問卷調查, 資料蒐集, 以及統計分析 來獲致提供改善方向之基礎要件. 為達到研究之合理性與邏輯性, 主要的統計推理流程為, 1) 信度與效度分析主要是為確定此項研究所得之資料是否據可靠性與價值性. 2) 因素分析主要為確定量表結構, 並找出客戶對服務品質評分之決定因素. 3) 多變量分析為主要提供各重要影響之變項與不同組別客戶間之相互關係為何. 最後依據上項分析過程, 製成重要性與實際表現之對照表, 並以此表內之高重要性卻低實際表現之提項作為改善之依據.

總結最後研究之發現為: 針對高重要性卻低實際表現之提項有,
1. 維修機台過程與狀況之即時掌握
2. 維修機台寄送資料之即時傳遞與接收
3. 服務人員之書寫與對話之禮貌

若以客戶組別區隔, 其受重要影響之客戶為;
1. 客戶以不同商品為分組方式
2. 客戶以服務次數之多寡為分組方式
3. 客戶以是否將個案公司作為單一供應商作為分組方式
4. 客戶以與個案公司生意往來年限之多寡為分組方式
Followed by trend of product commoditization comes the flatten GP and raises the visibility of customer service. The Intent of research is to introduce a methodology for improving the service quality in B to B business through a case study of Taiwan based notebook manufacturer.

Of the research process, the methodology addressed through the questionnaire designed, data collection, and statistical analysis went as following, first, to implement the reliability and validity test to verify the collected data were valuable for further analysis, second, to sort out the items that are invaluable or less explainable to the facet of customer’s rating with factor analysis. At last, to employ the Multivariate test to further identify the co-relationship between determinate items and their corresponding affected groups of customers for coming up with final suggestions presented with two dimensions as vertically, by different groups of customers, and horizontally, by items of poor performance but high importance.

In summary, the list of top three question items affecting most of customer’s service quality rating (the determinators) is:
1. Item 13: Obtaining status information of units in repair.
2. Item 15: Timely obtaining the shipping information.
3. Item 3: The courtesy in written or oral communications.

Furthermore, the list of customer’s groups that are having significant effect in service quality rating is:
1. The customers of different product models
2. The customers that frequently having contact for service support
3. The customers that taking case company as a sole supplier
4. The customers that have years in partnership with case company
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