Title: 數位相機產品造形意象之研究
A Study on the Relationship between Product Image and Product Form of Digital Camera
Authors: 蘇家正
Keywords: 數位相機;產品意象語彙;MDS;複迴歸分析;digital camera;product image;MDS;multiple linear regression
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 本研究是以數位相機,作為造形意象上的探討。由於數位相機,在介面、功能、規格與使用操作方式上並未統一,其具有電子、光電與電腦產品等特性,因此吸引多種不同領域廠商的設計開發。 研究的首先針對數位相機產品作分析。經由產品型錄的收集,了解不同產品的功能與特徵的差異所在;另外由使用者的問卷調查,來了解使用者心目中理想的產品意象與功能,並將問卷結果,藉由MDS多項度評量與迴歸分析等統計技巧,進一步了解造形意象與造形元素間的關係,以作為此類產品在設計上的參考。 研究結果顯示,使用者所期待產品在價格與功能上,有些許的差距。而在產品的意象上,使用者所期望的前五項意象份別為:科技感、實用感、機能感、輕巧感與效率感等五項。造形方面,科技感、實用感與機能感的意象上,呈現較厚重與專業感;而輕巧感與效率感意象,則呈現較為輕盈的形式。在產品形式的分別上,主要以傻瓜相機形式為主。在產品的構成上,經由複迴歸的分析結果顯示,科技、實用與機能感的造形,以幾何體的塊狀構成為主,並強調功能部件之間的顯著性;輕巧與效率感意象的造形,造形的構成上則較為單純,功能上也較為簡單許多
This research is focus on studying the imagery of digital camera's forms. Owing to the non-unified digital camera in terms of interface, functions, specifications and operations, and in addition to the electronic, photoelectric and computer attributes of the digital camera, many companies from varied realm had attracted to research and design. In this paper, I analyzed all of digital camera in the market. Owing to collecting the catalogue of digital camera, I realized the difference of functions and specifications from varied digital camera. On the other hand, using questionnaire that measured from users tried to understand the imagery and function of the perfect product in the mental image of users. In order to realize the relations of form-image and form-element, I analyzed the result of questionnaire by MDS and multiple linear regression analysis and made some reference of design. The paper shows that there are a lot of distances between the price and functions that people expected. In terms of product imagery, the adjectives that people expected are technological, practical, functional, light and effective. In terms of forms, the technological, practical and functional imagery presented more solid and professional feeling. And light and effective imagery presented aerial forms. In the difference of product formalism, sample camera is the major formalism. In the composition of the product, due to the result of multiple linear regression analysis, the technological, practical and functional form composted by geometry cubes, and emphasized the significant of the functional elements. On the contrast, the composition of light and effective forms and functions are more sample then technological, practical and functional ones.
Appears in Collections:Thesis