標題: 專業服務人員於服務業建立品牌忠誠過程中所任角色之分析與探討- 以外語補習班產業為例
The Role of the Professional Server in the Process of Establishing Brand Loyalty to the Service Industry – An Empirical Study of the Foreign Language Supplement School Industry
作者: 王豔冠
Yen-Kuan Wang
Jen-Hung Huang
關鍵字: 屬性;利益;品牌忠誠度;LISREL;Attributes;Benefits;Brand Loyalty;LISREL
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 在競爭日益激烈的市場中,服務業者積極建立企業品牌,以強化自身競爭力與差異性。服務業主要提供人的服務,服務人員在此扮演著重要角色,特別是專業性服務,例如會計師,教師等專業服務人員,更是服務業者建立品牌的關鍵要素。由於外語補習班教育服務必須由外語專業教師提供,而外語補習班則為提供多位專業教師之服務環境,兩者之關係於品牌建立相形密切,因此,本研究嘗試從行銷學上品牌管理的角度切入,以品牌信任、品牌情感、態度忠誠、購買忠誠等系列中介變數探討外語補習專業教師與外語補習班如何交互作用,並探討外語專業教師對於外語補習班品牌忠誠度建立之相關性,藉由從中分析及觀察到的外語補習教育服務業市場特性,以期能有助於外語補習班品牌之塑造並能擴及其他相關服務產業。 本研究以曾購買外語補習服務的消費者作為實證對象,採用問卷調查作為研究工具,共計發出300份問卷,回收後有效樣本數為203份。針對問卷回收資料,運用結構方程式進行模型分析,並對本研究所提出之假設進行驗證。 研究結果顯示,在服務業對企業建立品牌忠誠的過程中,專業服務人員扮演重要角色,在專業服務人員與企業品牌交互作用下,建立強勢品牌之最佳途徑,為外語專業教師與外語補習班服務屬性特色創造消費者的利益,透過消費者產生的利益進而衍生正面態度,最終形成個人與企業品牌忠誠。
Service Industries mainly provide service; service providers play an important role in the service process. In particular, professional services such as accountants, teachers and so on, are the essential key elements of brand building. Because foreign language teaching services need to be provided by foreign language professional teachers and foreign language supplement schools provide the service environment, so, the close relationship between professional teachers and supplement schools is worthy of investigation. The purpose of this study is to use brand trust, brand affect and loyalty variables to explore what is the coincident influence of professional teachers and supplement schools. It is intended to find practical solutions and offer insight to assist with marketing strategies. This research uses questionnaires to collect data. The empirical subjects of the research are the customers who have bought foreign language supplement services and live in the Taipei area. 203 effective samples were received and analyzed by LISREL to measure the relation among the constructs and verify the hypotheses. Findings indicate that professional servers play a crucial role in the process of establishing brand loyalty to the service industry. Findings also indicate that the best path to build brand loyalty under the coincident influence of professional servers and corporate branding is by using attributes to create benefits to customers, developing positive attitudes to form personal and corporate brand loyalty.