標題: 市場情報顧問經營現況探討與客戶關係品質之因素分析
A Study of Current Operation Status of Market Information Advisory Industry and Customer Relationship Quality
作者: 呂柏謙
Bor-Chian Lu
Kehluh (Louie) Wang
Gin-Yuan Lee
關鍵字: 知識密集服務產業;市場情報顧問業;因素分析;關係品質;Knowledge Intensive Service Industry;Market Information Advisory Industry;Factor Analysis;Relationship Quality
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 隨著網際網路日漸深植到每個人的家庭之中,以及人與人之間連繫已突破了距離與時間的障礙,我們已經來到了所謂全球性競爭的時代。在新型態的電子溝通平台上,許多人正運用著它來發展新型態的商業服務模式,這正漸漸的在改變人們的認知及生活習慣。


The “Internet” has gradually changed the problem of communication over distance and time. Now, we are in the new age of “globalized competition”. With new electronic communication medium, people are developing new types of service models for businesses.

Facing the maturing of electronic industry, the government and corporations need to find new types of value added businesses for the coming generation. The consensus seems to be the “service industry”. The 6 year National Development Plan published by the government in 2002 considered Knowledge Intensive Service Industry as the most important investment and developing subjects in Taiwan. Under so rapidly changing environment, the market information has become more and more important.

This thesis combines the academic viewpoint, knowledge of the service industry, global Market Information Advisory Industry status and the related local corporations. The global KIS industry development is outlined. Research data are collected from qualitative and quantitative analyses. In qualitative analysis, this study collects most of the operation activities of the domestic Market Information Advisory Industry. The purpose of the quantitative analysis is to explore the Relationship Quality from information provider to the customers. This research acquires 167 valid questionnaires form 130 companies which are domestic electronic manufacturers, financial institutions and consulting companies. Factor analysis methodology is adopted. In conclusions, this research generalizes eight points in the future operation which the Market Information Advisory Industry should do. (1) professional research team (2) government’s intelligence bank and public relationship (3) creativity (4) brand commitment (5) completed IT environment (6) attention to service quality (7) sharp insight to the industry (8) respect on intellectual property.