Title: 高脈衝重複率主動鎖模光纖雷射光源之研製
Study and fabrication of actively mode-locked fiber laser sources with a high pulse repetition-rate
Authors: 黃承彬
Chen-Bin Huang
Yinchieh Lai
Keywords: 光纖雷射;脈衝重複率;全通光濾波器;fiber laser;optical pulse repetition-rate;optical all-pass filter
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 在本論文中我們對於能夠產生高脈衝重複率的主動鎖模光纖雷射做了詳細的研究。利用直接耦合式與側耦合式的反射式光纖光柵共振濾波器,我們製作了穩定並且具高脈衝重複率的主動鎖模摻鉺光纖雷射。藉助於全通光濾波器的概念,我們也提出了可以在雷射腔外無損耗地來倍增脈衝重複率的新方法。
In the thesis we perform a detailed study on active mode-locked fiber lasers capable of producing highly repetitive optical pulse trains. By using a direct-coupled or side-coupled fiber Bragg grating resonator, we experimentally demonstrate a new configuration of highly stable harmonic mode-locked Er-fiber ring lasers. We also propose a novel scheme that can in principle losslessly multiply the intensity repetition-rate of a pulse train outside the laser cavity by using optical all-pass filters.
Appears in Collections:Thesis